
Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda |
Jason W

By Iron Will / January 12, 2025 /

The trans agenda infecting our schools and brainwashing our children is largely based on SOGI, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, an ideology which is being pushed in Canada by the Vancouver based ARC foundation.

But it didn’t originate with ARC. In fact, the origins of the trans movement can be traced back much farther, and today the UN and WHO are now pushing the trans agenda around the world.

The WHO publishes now, as part of their recommended curriculum, the teaching of masturbation to children from 0 to 4 years, and even claims in their official documentation that children as young as 5 can give sexual consent. In Germany, some playschools now have masturbation rooms for pre-school children, and teachers around the world are being trained to use the term MAP, or Minor Attracted Person, rather than the far more accurate ‘pedophile’ in an effort to normalize the sexual abuse of children.

My guest today prefers not to reveal his last name as he has already suffered substantial persecution for revealing these facts. Jason, who writes on Substack as Tri-Torch has done a deep dive into how the trans agenda is being used to attack our children’s identity and safety at the highest levels, including the UN, the WHO and even UNICEF.

Furthermore, Jason recommends that we turn the tables. That instead of allowing our children to become victims, we teach them what the trans agenda is really for, and we, in effect, deputize them and urge them to report to us as their parents when inappropriate material is presented in class or in school libraries.

This interview is an exercise in the famous quote from Sun Tzu, ‘Know thy enemy’.


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Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword? |
Glenn Bogue

By Iron Will / January 8, 2025 /

Most of us view UNDRIP, the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a globalist plot to steal our lands and resources. And we’re not wrong.

However, one man, author and lawyer Glenn Bogue believes that UNDRIP can be a double-edged sword, that we can use the fact that it has been entrenched in our constitution to our advantage, and furthermore prevent our First Nations, which are artificial corporations created by the Harper and Trudeau governments, from giving away our lands and resources.

The argument is based upon several key court decisions and a few very important terms, among them Aboriginal, Indigenous and First Nations. Most of us use these terms interchangeably but in fact under the law they have different meanings. For example, if you were born in this country, you are lawfully indigenous. This is a different thing than being Aboriginal, and a very different thing from being First Nations.

The use of these words in both UNDRIP and our constitution can be used to deny the globalists the ability to steal our lands and resources from us.

And more than that, there is something that every Indigenous person in this country can do to fight back against the UNDRIP agenda, and protect our right to ownership of what is lawfully ours.

Bio of Glenn Bogue

Glenn Bogue (aka Spirit Warrior) was an Olympic Sprinter (1976) who attempted to stop Ben Johnson from competing in the Seoul Olympics due to steroid abuse.

In the USA, he earned 2 N.C.A.A. Academic All-American Awards, and an N.C.A.A. Post-graduate scholarship, which went toward his law degree at Osgoode Hall School of Law in Toronto.

Glenn is a member of the Law Society of ONTARIO, where he was suspended after recommending 2 mothers sue a Judge who took their Metis children, although that Judge found those children to be loving and bonded to their model parents.

Glenn earned a Master’s degree cum laude in History, which enabled him to write The 5 Books of Isis series that address cellular health, and the Origins of Mankind, based on The Genographic Project (2006) that used genetics to establish we all come from one woman, in Ethiopia, just 200,000 years ago.

Today, Glenn is the Attorney General of the Alliance of Indigenous Nations Treaty, and its Inter-national Tribunal that has been acknowledged by CANADA.


Synopsis of Glenn’s Legal Argument:

Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.

Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.

Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.

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Everything You Know About Heart Disease and Diabetes is Wrong |
Ivor Cummins

By Iron Will / January 5, 2025 /

Diabetes. Heart Disease. Cholesterol. Your doctor will run blood tests, and frown over your results. Then they’ll put on you on medication to treat it.

Unfortunately virtually everything doctors have been taught about the cause of these conditions is wrong.

Statins, used to treat high cholesterol are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs today, despite the fact that one of the listed side effects is an increased risk of diabetes. Clearly drugs are not the answer.

Ivor Cummins, who for many years now has been releasing very informative videos on social media platforms and at his website, has interviewed some of the top experts in the world on these subjects. Not the experts that are promoted by pharmaceutical companies to market their products, but the real experts. Doctors and scientists who have nothing to gain from telling you the truth.

And the good news is, there are simple things you can do to dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease, and even reverse type 2 diabetes, as another guest on my show, Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder of the Front Line Critical Covid Care alliance did not long ago, after 20 years as a type 2 diabetic.


The Fat Emperor:

Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.

Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.

Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.

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War, Unemployment, and the Coming Economic Crash |
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane

By Iron Will / December 29, 2024 /

War in Ukraine and the Middle East continues to expand, drawing in other countries. Unemployment is on the rise. Home prices are dropping while foreclosures are climbing. Food banks are seeing record numbers of visitors while charitable donations in Canada have been declining for years. Donald Trump, for all that he may be a net good for America and the world, is threatening crippling tariffs on Canadian imports.

The writing is on the wall. We are headed for an economic crash. One that could make the 1929 crash and subsequent depression look like a minor correction.

Meanwhile, globalist forces are pushing for Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDs and social credit scores, and our own government in Canada pushes through bill after bill designed to take away our rights and our freedoms.

But as with any crisis, there is also opportunity. There are places to put your money that are not only proof against a crash, but where you can profit from it, while leaving yourself with currency you can use to buy goods if cash becomes unavailable.

In this, our fourth quarter update with my team of financial experts, we review the past year. Predictions they have made that have already happened, others that are in progress, and some that haven’t happened…yet.


Invest in Precious Metals at Wholesale Prices:
(Disclosure: Western Advocacy Group receives a commission from sales made through this link. Commissions contribute to our efforts at to provide Canadians with the tools and knowledge to defend their rights)

Contact Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant:
Phone: 604•613•1693

Here is a link to Adrian’s brochure that explains his wealth advisory business in more detail. He works with a team of advisors to deliver holistic wealth advisory services. He is probably one of only a few advisors who can provide Holistic wealth advisory services that are also awake to the globalist agenda.

For anyone interested in downloading a free copy of Adrian’s book “Who’s Investing Your Money,” here is a link to the brochure

Who’s Investing Your Money? is available as a free PDF download at
or for purchase on as a paperback or Kindle at

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Corrupted by Fear: Government Tyranny and Our Captured Courts |
John Carpay

By Iron Will / December 22, 2024 /

John Carpay is the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The JCCF, more than any other civil liberties organization has fought the government overreach and corruption that violated our rights during the COVID plandemic.

Now John has authored his first book, Corrupted by Fear, which will be available on Amazon January 15th.

In the book John draws from history, particularly Nazi Germany, and demonstrates the parallels with civil compliance with the lockdowns and other violations of our constitutional rights. He also points out many cases where the courts failed us and took the government’s position on the principle of judicial notice, an assumption in this case that the government’s claims were scientifically accurate, even going so far as to completely ignore the testimony of expert witnesses such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration. This is the same Dr. Bhattacharya who president-elect Trump has said he will appoint as the new head of the NIH, the National Institute of Health.

John joined me in the studio this past week to discuss not only history, our societal breakdown which led to the violation of our rights and the willing compliance of many Canadians, but also how we prevent this from happening again.


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What Do Vaccines and Sewer Rats Have in Common? |
Sasha Latypova

By Iron Will / December 18, 2024 /

We’ve seen the news, heard the reports. People who get Covid injections dropping dead within minutes. But what you didn’t hear in most cases is that it was their second or third injection. These extreme adverse events almost never happen following the first injection. Why?

And why do vaccine manufacturers recommend a waiting period of 21 days or more before taking a second shot?

The answer may lie in startling new findings from researcher Sasha Latypova, who has been exposing the dangers of the Covid vaccines since the beginning, and with the research of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, Charles Richet, who over a hundred years ago discovered anaphylaxis, or extreme allergic reactions.

Why do vaccine manufacturers test their products on mice and rats? Why do they not do any long term follow-up studies? Why do some people die from the injections while others develop lifelong health issues? Why do almost all SIDS babies die within days of a vaccine injection?

The answers are all linked, and revealed by Sasha’s groundbreaking research.


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The Crimes of Bill Gates: Killing Food Production in Africa |
Stacy Malkan

By Iron Will / December 15, 2024 /

Bill Gates wants to be seen as a philanthropist, a saviour of mankind, and he spends a great deal of money on mainstream media companies to push that narrative. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Gates is the largest owner of farmland in America, and also has very large ownership of food manufacturing companies which annually produce millions of tons of toxic, manufactured foods that are destroying the health of North Americans.

But it’s not just here in North America. Through an organization called AGRA, the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa, the Gates-funded Alliance for Science, and other efforts, Bill Gates has had a disastrous impact on farming on the African continent, with repercussions for the health of the people and of the land itself. It is estimated that due to monoculture farming, 80% of African farmland is already degraded, in some cases to the point where it will no longer grow food at all, and certainly not the healthy crops that Africans need.

Stacy Malkin is an independent journalist with the US Right to Know organization. She has spent countless hours uncovering the truth about Bill Gates, and especially his efforts to own and control African agriculture as part of his global supply chain.

Bill Gates is not the person that he wants everyone to believe that he is.

Stacy’s article: Critiques of Gates Foundation’s agricultural interventions in Africa

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Transition Regret: Exposing the False Narrative |
Kellie-Lynn Pirie and Faith Groleau

By Iron Will / November 27, 2024 /

Today’s trans agenda has convinced tens of thousands of people that they are not the gender they were born as, and if they only transition, they will finally feel that they belong. That they fit in. And we hear constantly from the pro trans movement that children who are not allowed to transition are at increased risk of suicide. A false narrative that is not born up by the actual statistics, which in fact indicate that the opposite is true.

Then there are those who come to regret their decision and de-transition. We seldom hear from them because their stories are not covered by mainstream media, and, as incredible as it sounds, those who de-transition are often accused of being trans phobic and are silenced by those who once considered them as allies.

Kellie-Lynn Pirie and Faith Groleau are two such women. They transitioned to a male identity, took hormones, underwent surgery, and lived for a time as men. But both of them later came to regret that decision, and to finally become comfortable with who and what they really are. Women. And both are dealing with the lasting effects of having transitioned. Even now, after detransitioning both of them have deep voices and appear in some ways to be masculine. But at heart, they are undeniably women.

So what happened? Why did these courageous women who are now telling their stories choose to follow the trans agenda?

Their answers are, at once, different, and the same. But it comes down to the fact that in today’s world, transitioning has taken the place of real therapy. People who feel out of place are given a constant narrative by health care and mental health professionals that transitioning will fix all of their problems.

But that narrative couldn’t be further from the truth.


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Urgent Action Needed:
Before Midnight, Wednesday, Nov. 27 |
Shawn Buckley

By Iron Will / November 26, 2024 /

Natural Health Products are under attack by Trudeau’s government, who want nothing less than to remove your access to them, leaving you with no other option but dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals.

Shawn Buckley of the Natural Health Product Protection Association has been fighting for our rights to these products for 16 years, recently with one of the largest paper petitions in Canadian history, and with Bill C-368, a private member’s bill that would reverse the recent amendments to the Food and Drug Act that will be used to deny you access to these products.

But now there is a need for urgency. Bill C-368, which passed its second reading in the House this past spring, is now under serious threat due to amendments introduced by the NDP and Bloc Quebecois. Amendments that would make C-368 impotent and maintain the changes already made to the Food and Drugs Act.

Please watch this short interview with Shawn Buckley, then take action before tomorrow night, that’s Wednesday, November 27th. You will find links to the action items below this interview. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Together we can save our natural health products.


NOTE: The Committee meets at 3:30 p.m. EST on Thursday, November 28. You must contact them before then.


Send an instant e-letter to the Standing Committee on Health:

Download the NHPPA form letter and send a manual email to :

Call Catherine Ngando Edimo, Clerk of the committee at 613-995-4108:
Be respectful and concise. Here’s what you can say:
– Introduce yourself: “I’m [Your Name], a Canadian who relies on natural health products.”
– Oppose the amendment: “It guts Bill C-368 and keeps harmful regulations in place.”
– Urge action: “Withdraw this amendment to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products.”

Visit or call the constituency office of your nearest HESA member. You will find a list of the members here: and you can search for their office locations and phone numbers here:

Link to the discussion paper:


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COVID Pandemonium:
Two New Books Reveal the Extent of the COVID Lies |
Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw

By Iron Will / November 24, 2024 /

During the COVID narrative, mainstream media and the government, in cooperation with health authorities, fed the public a constant stream of lies. And sadly, most people were deceived. Deceived into completely unnecessary and harmful mandates including social distancing which led to isolation and suicides, masking, which was not only completely ineffective for protecting against a virus but harmful to the health of those who wore them and those were in close contact with them, and allowing themselves to be injected with a bioweapon which has killed millions and destroyed the health and immune systems of countless others.

Many others were coerced into cooperating with mandates under threat of losing their jobs, and their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

While many books have now been written about the false COVID narrative, very few have been written by Canadians, and even fewer which are anthologies of opinions from a spectrum of experts.

Now two of Canada’s top scientists and doctors, Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw have edited such a book. Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole is an anthology of chapters from 24 medical and scientific experts on the false science and misleading data which fed the COVID narrative.

The book was released on November 19th and is available on Amazon.

In addition, this is the first of two books. Pelech and Shaw’s second book will be an expose of our captured courts and will be out in the next few months.

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole:

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