I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.
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With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)
The Psychology of Malice and Mass Murder
John Leake
Recently I interviewed John Leake, the co-author, along with Dr. Peter McCullough of the 2022 book ‘The Courage to Face Covid 19’. A book which John was eminently qualified to help write as he is the author of no less than 3 other true crime books.
In the course of that last interview, titled ‘Proof Fauci Knew the Vaccines Wouldn’t Work’, John and I spent some time discussing his books on true crime. We removed that section from the interview as it wasn’t relevant, but I still felt the discussion, and John’s books have a great deal of value.
What drives people to kill others without remorse? How are massive conspiracies pulled off without some minor functionary blowing the whistle or accidentally revealing the plan?
The answers to these questions and more are revealed in our discussion of John’s books, two on serial killers, one male and one female, and a third book of a mysterious and to this day, unsolved disappearance of a young Canadian man.
In an effort to avoid censorship, there are things in this discussion that John and I don’t say, but as with many true crime stories the clues are there if you pay attention, if you read between the lines. The clues that explain much of the current massive conspiracy happening in every country of the world over the past four years. Clues to why so many people willingly go along with a plan to harm as many people as possible, to steal from us all our rights and freedoms, and subject us to totalitarian control.
LINKS to John’s Books:
The Courage to Face Covid 19 (co-authored with Dr. Peter McCullough): https://www.amazon.ca/COURAGE-FACE-COVID-19-Hospitalization-Bio-Pharmaceutical/dp/B09ZLVWMD9/
The Meaning of Malice: On the Trail of the Black Widow of Highland Park: https://www.amazon.ca/Meaning-Malice-Trail-Black-Highland-ebook/dp/B0CKBHS947/
Cold A Long Time: An Alpine Mystery: https://www.amazon.ca/Cold-Long-Time-Alpine-Mystery-ebook/dp/B006DNW4QG/
Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer: https://www.amazon.ca/Entering-Hades-Double-Serial-Killer-ebook/dp/B00545H3JC/
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Thank you for this talk. I enjoy your show Will and I always follow John – you two make a good combination.