
The Cure for What Ails You: The Missing Link in Your Diet |
Paul Beatty

By Iron Will / December 1, 2024 /

In the past few years many of us have come to distrust the medical establishment, and especially big pharma. And yet still the majority of people turn to their doctor when something goes wrong.

But one man has been fighting an information war for over 20 years to show us that there are very viable alternatives, and that the key to many of the chronic health problems we suffer today, is found in our diet. Or rather in something essential that is missing from our diet.

Most of us have heard that fish oils are good for us. But this is incomplete information. The balance of oils is essential, and the pharmaceutical industry, with their supplements and medications, has once again gotten that balance wrong, often causing more problems than they are solving.

Paul Beatty is not a doctor, but he does hold 3 degrees and he understands the metabolic effects of these oils on our health on a much deeper level than anyone I have ever interviewed.

He has helped people to recover from cancer, diabetes and many other metabolic diseases simply by adding the right balance of oils to their diet. And this has proven to be highly effective even in those of us already eating a natural foods diet.

In this interview you will learn the secret that Paul discovered years ago. He’s been cancelled and ignored, because the cure is a simple supplement that anyone can get without a prescription.


Buy EZtrek (currently U.S. only):

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Transition Regret: Exposing the False Narrative |
Kellie-Lynn Pirie and Faith Groleau

By Iron Will / November 27, 2024 /

Today’s trans agenda has convinced tens of thousands of people that they are not the gender they were born as, and if they only transition, they will finally feel that they belong. That they fit in. And we hear constantly from the pro trans movement that children who are not allowed to transition are at increased risk of suicide. A false narrative that is not born up by the actual statistics, which in fact indicate that the opposite is true.

Then there are those who come to regret their decision and de-transition. We seldom hear from them because their stories are not covered by mainstream media, and, as incredible as it sounds, those who de-transition are often accused of being trans phobic and are silenced by those who once considered them as allies.

Kellie-Lynn Pirie and Faith Groleau are two such women. They transitioned to a male identity, took hormones, underwent surgery, and lived for a time as men. But both of them later came to regret that decision, and to finally become comfortable with who and what they really are. Women. And both are dealing with the lasting effects of having transitioned. Even now, after detransitioning both of them have deep voices and appear in some ways to be masculine. But at heart, they are undeniably women.

So what happened? Why did these courageous women who are now telling their stories choose to follow the trans agenda?

Their answers are, at once, different, and the same. But it comes down to the fact that in today’s world, transitioning has taken the place of real therapy. People who feel out of place are given a constant narrative by health care and mental health professionals that transitioning will fix all of their problems.

But that narrative couldn’t be further from the truth.


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Urgent Action Needed:
Before Midnight, Wednesday, Nov. 27 |
Shawn Buckley

By Iron Will / November 26, 2024 /

Natural Health Products are under attack by Trudeau’s government, who want nothing less than to remove your access to them, leaving you with no other option but dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals.

Shawn Buckley of the Natural Health Product Protection Association has been fighting for our rights to these products for 16 years, recently with one of the largest paper petitions in Canadian history, and with Bill C-368, a private member’s bill that would reverse the recent amendments to the Food and Drug Act that will be used to deny you access to these products.

But now there is a need for urgency. Bill C-368, which passed its second reading in the House this past spring, is now under serious threat due to amendments introduced by the NDP and Bloc Quebecois. Amendments that would make C-368 impotent and maintain the changes already made to the Food and Drugs Act.

Please watch this short interview with Shawn Buckley, then take action before tomorrow night, that’s Wednesday, November 27th. You will find links to the action items below this interview. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Together we can save our natural health products.


NOTE: The Committee meets at 3:30 p.m. EST on Thursday, November 28. You must contact them before then.


Send an instant e-letter to the Standing Committee on Health:

Download the NHPPA form letter and send a manual email to :

Call Catherine Ngando Edimo, Clerk of the committee at 613-995-4108:
Be respectful and concise. Here’s what you can say:
– Introduce yourself: “I’m [Your Name], a Canadian who relies on natural health products.”
– Oppose the amendment: “It guts Bill C-368 and keeps harmful regulations in place.”
– Urge action: “Withdraw this amendment to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products.”

Visit or call the constituency office of your nearest HESA member. You will find a list of the members here: and you can search for their office locations and phone numbers here:

Link to the discussion paper:


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COVID Pandemonium:
Two New Books Reveal the Extent of the COVID Lies |
Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw

By Iron Will / November 24, 2024 /

During the COVID narrative, mainstream media and the government, in cooperation with health authorities, fed the public a constant stream of lies. And sadly, most people were deceived. Deceived into completely unnecessary and harmful mandates including social distancing which led to isolation and suicides, masking, which was not only completely ineffective for protecting against a virus but harmful to the health of those who wore them and those were in close contact with them, and allowing themselves to be injected with a bioweapon which has killed millions and destroyed the health and immune systems of countless others.

Many others were coerced into cooperating with mandates under threat of losing their jobs, and their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

While many books have now been written about the false COVID narrative, very few have been written by Canadians, and even fewer which are anthologies of opinions from a spectrum of experts.

Now two of Canada’s top scientists and doctors, Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw have edited such a book. Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole is an anthology of chapters from 24 medical and scientific experts on the false science and misleading data which fed the COVID narrative.

The book was released on November 19th and is available on Amazon.

In addition, this is the first of two books. Pelech and Shaw’s second book will be an expose of our captured courts and will be out in the next few months.

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole:

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$170 Million in Damages: Class Action Suit Against the CPSO |
Scarlett Martyn

By Iron Will / November 20, 2024 /

During the Covid plandemic, Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and Public Health Officers across Canada persecuted health care workers who refused to take the Covid shots. In Ontario, this affected many thousands of doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health care workers – many of whom are still not back to work and have suffered severe financial repercussions for insisting upon their Charter rights to choose what is put into their own bodies.

Now a group in Ontario, led by paramedic Scarlett Martyn is fighting back with a $170 million dollar class action suit. And if you are a health care worker you can join this suit and seek justice for harms you suffered under these unconstitutional mandates, whether that be loss of income or harms you received from being coerced into taking the shots.

In this full free interview, Scarlett provides the details of the class action suit, which names both the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, accusing them of negligence and violations of the rights of our frontline health care workers.

Contact Scarlett Martyn to become involved in the suit:

Scarlett Martyn
United Health Care Workers of Ontario
(647) -333-3286

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The War is Not Over: The Future of the Globalist Agenda |
An Iron Will Report Documentary

By Iron Will / November 17, 2024 /

This documentary connects many seemingly unconnected facts and events to show you that the war for our rights and freedoms is far from over, despite the recent election of Donald Trump, which will certainly pose a problem for the globalists seeking to establish a one world government.

From the depopulation agenda, to global unrest which will pit the BRICS nations against NATO, from plandemics and vaccines to the SOGI and trans agendas brainwashing our youth, from the WHO’s global health dictatorship to CBDCs and Digital IDs, this 45 minute documentary will show you how all of these things are part of the plan by globalist forces and elements within our own governments to steal from us all our rights, our freedoms and in many cases, our very lives.

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Protecting Our Kids: Alberta Leads the Way |
Jojo Ruba & Benita Pedersen

By Iron Will / November 6, 2024 /

Across Canada parents’ rights are under attack from the woke left and their trans agenda. In many provinces it is illegal for teachers to inform parents when their kids choose to go by a different pronoun or first name.

But one province is making major changes to protect parents’ rights. In Alberta there are currently 3 important bills before the legislature to amend the Education Act and the Health Act to ensure that parents are informed and to make it illegal to give hormone blockers or perform transition surgery on minors. In addition, Bill 29 will make it illegal for males to compete in women’s sports.

And these bills are being met with massive approval from voters. At the recent Annual General Meeting, Premiere Danielle Smith received a an almost unheard of 91% approval rating from Conservative party members.

But that’s not enough. Legislators in Alberta have received thousands of emails from the woke left in opposition to these bills, while Conservatives have largely remained silent.

But one Alberta organization is working to change that. has a number of action steps that Albertans can take to let the government know the people are in support of protecting our kids, including a rally at the Alberta legislature this coming Saturday, November 9th starting at 1 p.m.

Jojo Ruba and Benita Pedersen join me today to discuss this legislation, what Albertans can do to support parents’ and women’s rights in Alberta, and what people in other provinces can do to bring similar legislation across Canada.


Parents and Kids Together:

Parents’ Rights in Canada:

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The Future of the World |
Dr. Robert Malone

By Iron Will / November 3, 2024 /

Dr. Robert Malone is widely known as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, research that he abandoned years ago when he discovered it couldn’t be done without the harms outweighing the benefits. But Dr. Malone is also an expert on politics and the deep state, having worked for the U.S. government for many years.

He is also the author of two very important books: his 2022 book Lies My Government Told Me and the Better Future Coming, and PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order, released earlier this month and co-authored with his wife Jill, who holds a doctorate in public policy and has experience in infectious disease and gene therapy research.

I invited Dr. Malone to this interview in response to a recent Substack article he wrote on the re-election of globalist Ursula von der Leyen as president of the EU, but the discussion evolved into much more. Here, according to Dr. Malone, is nothing less than the future of the world.

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Stolen Homes & Laundered Money: Ontario’s Teranet Scandal |
Martin McDermott

By Iron Will / October 30, 2024 /

Property owners in Ontario and Manitoba are prime targets for having their lawfully owned real estate stolen from them by a system that is propped up by corrupt courts which do nothing but rule in favor of the criminals behind these province-wide scams.

Teranet, a foreign founded data company, years ago won the right to control all real estate data in those two provinces. Since then, some 30 billion dollars in Ontario alone have gone missing. Stolen through corruption of a land title and mortgage fraud system empowered by foreign control of all real estate transaction data. Data which is not available to homeowners.

And the man who originally founded Teranet is now a Liberal appointed Senator.

When Jagmeet Singh was due to answer questions about his knowledge of Teranet, he was suddenly unavailable that day. With no explanation given.

When Martin McDermott, who has been working for 16 years to expose this fraud attempted to show vital documents to the then Prime Ministerial candidate Justin Trudeau in 2015 Mr. McDermott was charged with trespassing and removed from the venue where Trudeau was speaking.

At least one Liberal MP has been heavily implicated in the Teranet scam. She refuses to answer any questions and has called the police on Mr. McDermott to avoid having to face him.

The branches of corruption surrounding Teranet go all the way up through both provincial and federal governments.

But now there is hope. Opposition MPs are now asking hard questions in parliament about where this money is going, and how it is that legal homeowners in Ontario and Manitoba can have their properties stolen from by corrupt lawyers and real estate agents, who get away with it, backed up by equally corrupt courts. And there is hope that they will keep asking those questions until all of us finally get the answers that we deserve.

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How Trudeau Burned Jasper: Parks Canada’s Criminal Negligence |
Ken Hodges, RPF & Emile Begin, RPF

By Iron Will / October 28, 2024 /

In July of this year, 30% of the town of Jasper, Alberta was destroyed by a wildfire.

And the blame for that can be laid squarely at the feet of Trudeau’s Liberal government.

Parks Canada had years of warning, from forestry management professionals, that the Alberta forests surrounding Jasper were a tinder box, a superfire just waiting to happen. At least one Registered Professional Forester told them that it was not a matter of if, but when.

Hundreds of thousands of hectares of dead forest, killed by pine beetle infestations after proven means of curbing the damage caused by these insects were ignored.

A complete lack of preparedness of forest fire services in the national park that left them unable to respond to the fire in an effective manner. Fire hydrants in Jasper, the threads of which were non-standard, preventing outside firefighting services to assist in saving the town. And the list of willful negligence continues.

Ken Hodges and Emile Begin are Registered Professional Foresters with 90 years of combined experience between them in forestry management.

In this extensive interview, Ken and Emile answer some very direct questions about the mismanagement of this largely preventable disaster. And warn that even now, the government has learned nothing. It will happen again.

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