I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.

We needed a steady source of funding. Iron Will Report was established in the spring of 2022 to give those seeking truth in media and honest government something of value in return for supporting our ongoing efforts.

When you become a subscriber at Iron Will Report, you get the truth that mainstream media won't report, and that our government doesn't want you to hear, and you support our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

Visit StrongAndFreeCanada.org here or Subscribe to IronWillReport.com using the button on this page.


With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

In Defense of Freedom, The JCCF Interview 4 of 4: John Carpay

John Carpay, the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, has been fighting for our rights for 24 years, First, as a director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation from 2000 until 2004, then with the Canadian Constitution Foundation until he founded the JCCF in 2010.

For the past 14 years, the JCCF has provided more pro bono representation to Canadians to defend their constitutional rights than any other organization, in fact, I think it would be safe to say more than all other legal organizations put together.

From defending freedom of speech on university campuses, to representing the organizers of the Freedom Convoy; from taking governments to court and in at least one major case in Alberta, winning a significant victory, to defending the rights of many everyday Canadians under the tyranny of Trudeau’s covid policies.

In the past few years John has also become a close friend. I can tell you that he is everything he appears to be. Conscientious, hardworking and honest. Yes, an honest lawyer.

In this, the last episode on my four part series on the JCCF, John talks about the corruption in our courts, some of the most significant cases in the past few years, the challenges involved in running the JCCF, and his very perceptive views on how we can save Canada.

And like myself, John believes that we will save our country. It will take time, and yet more hard work and dedication, but in the end, Canada, and Canadians will once again be free.

Free to live our lives as we choose, free to raise our children as we see fit without state interference, and free of government tyranny.

LINK: https://www.jccf.ca/


  1. Alan Church on February 19, 2024 at 9:53 am

    Great interview Will and John. My wife and I had the pleasure to meet John and his team about a year ago in Kitchener, Ontario. The group had a great but limited discussion but I never got to asking John about the Citizens Initiative act of Alberta. I thought it was genius and wondered if this tool has been tested yet? My understanding is that Jason Kenny passed it through provincial government before he slithered away. I’m asking because I would like to present the same here in Ontario to my MP and MPP.
    Any words of wisdom you can pass along would be great.
    Al Church

  2. Phil on February 16, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    Will, just some feedback for you in the form of a question: why do you keep calling it the “EMA”, the “Emergency Measures Act”? It’s called the “Emergencies Act”. Its predecessor was the “War Measures Act”. I’m sure you know this, you’re highly intelligent, I watch all your videos, I’m a paying member so I see the whole episodes. But you keep saying it wrong…or am I wrong? I’m just confused why a journalist such as yourself does not know this, that it’s not the EMA. It’s just the EA. Thanks.

  3. Roger Foster on February 15, 2024 at 3:40 am

    the not withstanding clause has limits, its section one of the charter (the supposed litmus test) in which government is supposed to make their case 1st that there is no other possible way to achieve their desired outcome, 2nd that there has been established president of using this specific infringement in such situations in the past showing it produced the desired outcome & third it needs to be a overwhelmingly justified & acceptable infringement in a free & democratic society.

    So essentially there are 3 checks & balances that must be passed before going to debate in the appropriate legislature in which the public has the right to examine, debate & challenge the governments application before the legislature.

    thus if granted (normally only in cases of affirmative action programs) the government is permitted to operate that program, law or policy not withstanding specific sections of the charter.

    notice section one of the charter is not suspended by the not withstanding clause making it clear the not withstanding clause is subject to section one.

    that of course it if governments follow the law & courts uphold the Constitution Act & charter as the highest law in the land that all other laws are derived from in power & authority for the purpose of protecting those freedoms therein enshrined.

    unfortunately communist leftist justices do not see it that way as the Constitution Act & Charter make it clear that it is the individual who has rights & liberties & not the collective, community or citizenry as a whole & that those rights & liberties existed before government, they do not come from government & government exists for the primary purpose of protecting those enshrined rights & liberties.

    so the courts, when making a decision to side with government because government is presumed to be acting in the greater good of the citizenry, they are in the wrong as even if they are acting in the greater good, that is not their job (to save lives at the expense of civil liberties ) no matter how mean spirited & selfish that sounds to a leftist, it is by the sum of our individual sovereignty that we have National Sovereignty that our government (who has committed treason) has not just failed to defend, but has willfully sold us out to foreign interests.

    remember in a free & democratic society it is we the people who are sovereign we do not have a sovereign, be it government, queens or kings.

    so until we get a new social contract with governments, corporations & politicians & a way to openly & transparently bring to justice all or any who choose to violate it, we will not be a free Nation.

    And that I believe will only happen, first when we take back the media so the people hear the truth not propaganda & second when we start bringing the violators of the social contract to justice so they will sue for peace & we can start negotiating a new social contract that will dismantle their global empire & prevent those means of capturing the world from ever being used again.

    will it happen, if the people get the truth & realize our prosperity & wealth was sold by design under UN edicts & put into action in the early 90’s under the guise of free trade treaties & that prosperity will return again if we Simply go back to manufacturing what we consume & respect the rights of all others to do the same by having trade laws that limit imports for commercial resale.

    we used to have tariffs that protected our jobs, if you did not want to pay that tariff you could open a Canadian subsidiary company & hire local labour for manufacturing & repair of your products.

    the purpose of that was to prevent what is happening now (economic warfare) big corporations manufacturing off shore & shipping their cheap slave labor goods into our market making it impossible for local businesses to compete.

  4. Lillian on February 14, 2024 at 11:00 pm

    All Canadians need to be educated about these principals of our country and it’s laws. I am grateful for the jccf for doing this for high school students, and for all of us. Some written material/books or ? that anybody can obtain and read would be great too or video courses. Thank you so much for your work.

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