I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.

We needed a steady source of funding. Iron Will Report was established in the spring of 2022 to give those seeking truth in media and honest government something of value in return for supporting our ongoing efforts.

When you become a subscriber at Iron Will Report, you get the truth that mainstream media won't report, and that our government doesn't want you to hear, and you support our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

Visit StrongAndFreeCanada.org here or Subscribe to IronWillReport.com using the button on this page.


With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

Your City Council Has Been Bought Off

A few months ago I interviewed Tom Harris, a former climate alarmist turned whistle blower on the real facts behind climate change. And the fact is that manmade global warming simply is not happening.

Climate alarmism is part of the globalist agenda. A means to terrify ordinary people into complying with draconian restrictions on their rights and freedoms.

Recently a viewer sent me a link to a video, a short presentation made by a resident of the city of Peterborough to the city council. That video is proof that you don’t have to be a scientist to understand the real science and to speak out in defense of our rights.

Maggie Braun, like Tom Harris, used to believe the climate change narrative. She studied ecosystem management with hopes to work for the U.N. in finding solutions to the climate crisis. But then she started asking questions and doing more research. It wasn’t long before the lie was revealed.

A lie that is being used to undermine our sovereignty and hand control of our lives over to the globalist agenda. Not just nationally or provincially, but right down to the level of our local city councils.

Another fact that Maggie discovered is that most of our cities are now in fact private corporations. Corporations which receive substantial funding from globalist organizations to buy compliance with their agenda.


Climate Change Protest Video

Maggie’s Newsletter

Community Accountability and Transparency Councils


  1. Bob on July 27, 2023 at 10:53 am

    I live in Alberta , Canada and would like the same information as follows:
    I would like to help stop this agenda locally. We would really benefit from having access to Maggie’s information, and the documentation that she has uncovered to show that cities have become private corporations, and the documentation from the club of Rome etc. Can she send us the documents? How do we access tham? It definitely appears to us that the agenda being pushed by the local regional district has been sent down from on-high as this is the same agenda all over Canada, the USA, UK and probably other countries. Can we please have the references? Can we be sent the actual documents? We would really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Please give us links.

  2. Roger Foster on July 27, 2023 at 1:38 am

    the main purpose of turning cities into “professional corporations” was to make it easier to force compliance under threat of law suits from globalist entities.

    but this can also work to our advantage, as we the tax payers need to declare that we are the stakeholders & sue the corporations for mismanagement, fraud & crimes against humanity.

    if the courts are not going to acknowledge & uphold the law we the citizens need to form professional tribunals with the constitutional powers to bring these criminals to justice or at least send them running to avoid prosecution.

    their corruption, treason & the sellout of our nation needs to be on display & we need the ability to restore the model we had before the 90’s when we got duped into becoming a global trade economy (this will return our manufacturing sector & the middle class prosperity that was our birth right & was stolen & sold out from under us by the political class.

    as far as politics we need to make it less attractive to tyrants by limiting & defining the powers & job of government, end the practice of coalition building to defeat the will of the people & prevent political agendas not in the better interest of the people from being implemented.

    this can be done fairly simple no provincial or federal politician can submit a bill without the support of 2/3 the electoral vote of the last election by referendum (2/3 the total amount that voted in the last election) & 2/3 vote of the respective legislature. unless by the elected party specifically pertaining to campaign promises the party was elected for only if they won a majority government otherwise the 2/3 2/3 rule should apply.

    we also need to end campaign bribery “contributions” and have a set amount for campaigning in the budget that every running candidate can access, thus everyone gets the same & everyone running gets equal access to media & debates by law.

  3. Lillian on July 26, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    I am involved in a movement where I live in BC that is working to stop this agenda locally. We would really benefit from having access to Maggie’s information, and the documentation that she has uncovered to show that cities have become private corporations, and the documentation from the club of rome etc. Can she send us the documents? How do we access tham? It definitely appears to us that the agenda being pushed by the local regional district has been sent down from on-high as this is the same agenda all over Canada, the USA, UK and probably other countries. Can we pleasehave the regerences? Can we be sent the actual documents? We would really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Please give us links.

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