Free Interview
As Canada has become increasingly less free in recent years, Private members associations have become more common. A PMA allows its members the freedom to do certain things without government interference that they otherwise could not do. These include such things as medical diagnostics and advice, education, and business transactions.
One of the first was yyc Rocks in Calgary. Co-founded by Kenisha, a nurse who lost her job for refusing the Covid vaccines, Kenisha and her partners have gained valuable experience in the past three years on what to do, and what not to do to build a successful Private members association.
While they are offering an introductory course on this for people across Canada to become better educated in this process, this interview with Kenisha and several other members is a starting point for understanding the benefits of PMAs.
How to get involved?
✔️ Contribute any amount
✔️ Participate in the $1,000 package
✔️ Vestment $5,000 through one of the available options
✔️ Learn more HERE
✔️ Reach out for a private conversation [text Legacy Land Project to 403.461.2423]
Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.
Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.
Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693
Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.
Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.
Read MoreIn January of last year, Justice Richard Mosley ruled that the Trudeau government violated the law and our constitutional rights with the use of the Emergencies Act and the freezing of Canadians’ bank accounts during the Freedom Convoy in 2022.
Now a group of 20 Canadians who were victims of those actions have filed a lawsuit, not against the government, but against the individuals responsible.
This means, among others, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland who was at the time Minister of Finance and primarily responsible for the freezing of bank accounts, Marco Mendocino who was then Minister of Public Safety and the government official who actually invoked the Emergencies Act, and Steve Bell the interim Ottawa Chief of Police and quite a list of others.
In fact, the plaintiffs are suing these people for damages in the amount of $34 million dollars.
And if they win, it will set a precedent that could well guarantee that no future government will ever again violate our rights.
Eddie Cornell, one of the plaintiffs, served as the police liaison for the Convoy. Eddie is also a decorated member of our armed services and the co-founder of Veterans for Freedom. He joins me today to discuss the details of the case, and what it will mean for our us, and for the rights and freedoms of our children.
Help support the civil suit to sue Justin Trudeau for violating our rights:
Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.
Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.
Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693
Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.
Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.
Read MoreAcross Canada our children are being exposed to the toxic trans agenda, both through SOGI, the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity curriculum in our schools, and through drag queen story hours, held at our public libraries, and often financed by our civic governments.
And sadly, despite the proven harms of this messaging to our children, very few people protest. But some do.
Calgary Pastor Derek Reimer has been persecuted by our courts for the past two years for peacefully speaking out against drag queen story hours in our libraries. While I myself am not a lawyer, as far as I can tell, Derek has committed no crimes, either under the criminal code nor our constitution.
Despite this, he has spent a total of 43 days in prison and has now been sentenced to one year of house arrest. I had wanted to do this interview with Derek in person at his home, as we are both in Calgary. Derek informed me that under the terms of his house arrest he is not even allowed visitors.
And so Derek joins me today via zoom to bring you the whole story. Everything that has happened since his first viral video, where he was assaulted by parents at a Calgary library to now, where the crown is seeking to overturn a previous acquittal for another instance of peaceful protest.
What media coverage there has been of Derek’s persecution by our courts has been fragmented. This is the whole story, from February of 2023 until now.
Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.
Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.
Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693
Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.
Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.
Read MoreThere are many reasons to believe that a major crash of not only the stock market, but possibly our entire financial system is coming, and that it will be disastrous when it does. The stock market crash is likely to rival that of 1929, when the market lost 90% of its value, and took 20 years to recover. And if the entire financial system collapses, cash could become worthless.
So where do you put your money to weather the coming storm?
One investment that is often recommended is precious metals, but what if you have no prior experience with investing in gold and silver. It’s an axiom of investing that you don’t put your money into things you don’t understand.
Because I personally am convinced that we are headed for a financial disaster, quite possibly of unprecedented proportions, I’ve invited Greg Mather, the founder of one of Canada’s largest gold and silver brokerages, New World Precious Metals, to explain how the precious metals market works.
Greg will also explain the pros and cons of different investment options, his predictions for where gold and silver prices are going in the near future, and how you can be guaranteed of the security of your investment without having to hold precious metals in your home or office.
Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.
Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.
Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693
Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.
Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.
Read MoreWar in Ukraine and the Middle East continues to expand, drawing in other countries. Unemployment is on the rise. Home prices are dropping while foreclosures are climbing. Food banks are seeing record numbers of visitors while charitable donations in Canada have been declining for years. Donald Trump, for all that he may be a net good for America and the world, is threatening crippling tariffs on Canadian imports.
The writing is on the wall. We are headed for an economic crash. One that could make the 1929 crash and subsequent depression look like a minor correction.
Meanwhile, globalist forces are pushing for Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDs and social credit scores, and our own government in Canada pushes through bill after bill designed to take away our rights and our freedoms.
But as with any crisis, there is also opportunity. There are places to put your money that are not only proof against a crash, but where you can profit from it, while leaving yourself with currency you can use to buy goods if cash becomes unavailable.
In this, our fourth quarter update with my team of financial experts, we review the past year. Predictions they have made that have already happened, others that are in progress, and some that haven’t happened…yet.
Invest in Precious Metals at Wholesale Prices:
(Disclosure: Western Advocacy Group receives a commission from sales made through this link. Commissions contribute to our efforts at to provide Canadians with the tools and knowledge to defend their rights)
Contact Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant:
Phone: 604•613•1693
Here is a link to Adrian’s brochure that explains his wealth advisory business in more detail. He works with a team of advisors to deliver holistic wealth advisory services. He is probably one of only a few advisors who can provide Holistic wealth advisory services that are also awake to the globalist agenda.
For anyone interested in downloading a free copy of Adrian’s book “Who’s Investing Your Money,” here is a link to the brochure
Who’s Investing Your Money? is available as a free PDF download at
or for purchase on as a paperback or Kindle at
Read MoreJohn Carpay is the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The JCCF, more than any other civil liberties organization has fought the government overreach and corruption that violated our rights during the COVID plandemic.
Now John has authored his first book, Corrupted by Fear, which will be available on Amazon January 15th.
In the book John draws from history, particularly Nazi Germany, and demonstrates the parallels with civil compliance with the lockdowns and other violations of our constitutional rights. He also points out many cases where the courts failed us and took the government’s position on the principle of judicial notice, an assumption in this case that the government’s claims were scientifically accurate, even going so far as to completely ignore the testimony of expert witnesses such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration. This is the same Dr. Bhattacharya who president-elect Trump has said he will appoint as the new head of the NIH, the National Institute of Health.
John joined me in the studio this past week to discuss not only history, our societal breakdown which led to the violation of our rights and the willing compliance of many Canadians, but also how we prevent this from happening again.
Read MoreWe’ve seen the news, heard the reports. People who get Covid injections dropping dead within minutes. But what you didn’t hear in most cases is that it was their second or third injection. These extreme adverse events almost never happen following the first injection. Why?
And why do vaccine manufacturers recommend a waiting period of 21 days or more before taking a second shot?
The answer may lie in startling new findings from researcher Sasha Latypova, who has been exposing the dangers of the Covid vaccines since the beginning, and with the research of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, Charles Richet, who over a hundred years ago discovered anaphylaxis, or extreme allergic reactions.
Why do vaccine manufacturers test their products on mice and rats? Why do they not do any long term follow-up studies? Why do some people die from the injections while others develop lifelong health issues? Why do almost all SIDS babies die within days of a vaccine injection?
The answers are all linked, and revealed by Sasha’s groundbreaking research.
Read MoreBill Gates wants to be seen as a philanthropist, a saviour of mankind, and he spends a great deal of money on mainstream media companies to push that narrative. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Gates is the largest owner of farmland in America, and also has very large ownership of food manufacturing companies which annually produce millions of tons of toxic, manufactured foods that are destroying the health of North Americans.
But it’s not just here in North America. Through an organization called AGRA, the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa, the Gates-funded Alliance for Science, and other efforts, Bill Gates has had a disastrous impact on farming on the African continent, with repercussions for the health of the people and of the land itself. It is estimated that due to monoculture farming, 80% of African farmland is already degraded, in some cases to the point where it will no longer grow food at all, and certainly not the healthy crops that Africans need.
Stacy Malkin is an independent journalist with the US Right to Know organization. She has spent countless hours uncovering the truth about Bill Gates, and especially his efforts to own and control African agriculture as part of his global supply chain.
Bill Gates is not the person that he wants everyone to believe that he is.
Stacy’s article: Critiques of Gates Foundation’s agricultural interventions in Africa
Read MoreDuring the plandemic the constitutional rights of Canadians were violated, while people were coerced into taking injections they did not want. Elderly people and those in extended care facilities were abandoned, left to die alone without proper care. Our government did no testing on the vaccines before pushing them on the public, and Big Pharma was allowed to influence our government’s decisions. Doctors were discouraged from reporting vaccine injuries, and in some cases lost their licenses for doing so, and our courts have thus far largely refused to uphold our rights or hear any cases which debate the supposed science which guided these actions.
The National Citizens Inquiry, which heard hundreds of hours of testimony from expert witnesses and people affected by the violations of our rights, is not over. In fact, very recently the NCI released a supplementary report from testimony that took place this year.
Ken Drysdale is the head commissioner for the NCI, and has sat and listened to all of this testimony. Many times the stories the witnesses had to tell were horrific, and Ken has stated that he and the other commissioners carry emotional scars from hearing that testimony.
Ken joins me today to discuss the NCI, the supplementary report that was released at the end of November, the ongoing efforts of the Inquiry and his concerns for the future of our country.
Read MoreEverything you’ve been told about EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids derived primarily from fish oils is wrong. Not just wrong, but a metabolic disaster.
The medical and nutritional community has continued to propagate this misinformation for the simple reason that it’s what they are taught in school, and their professors don’t know the truth either.
Recently I interviewed Paul Beatty on Essential Fatty Acids, and we discussed the real cause of cancer, a cause that was proven many years ago and for which the discoverer received a Nobel Prize, not that you’ll ever hear about that, because treating cancer is a multi-trillion dollar a year business.
Now in this follow-up interview with Professor Brian Peskin, who has done the scientific and mathematical analysis of the effects upon the body of the imbalance of essential fatty acids that affect virtually every person in our society today, you will discover the cure or prevention for a long list of the most common ailments – diabetes, chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, asthma, COPD, fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, dermatological disorders, gout, chronic inflammation and neurogenerative disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
And all of them can be easily fixed, with one simple change, by adding an easily available dietary supplement that will properly balance the essential fatty acids in your body.
Buy EZTrek:
Brian’s websites:
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