How We Save Canada |
Stockwell Day

The majority of Canadians today believe that our country has gone completely off the rails, and especially under Justin Trudeau’s government. Our debt has spiraled out of control while societal Marxism has captured our governments and mainstream media.

Medical Assistance in Dying, SOGI and the trans agenda, DEI hiring policies and the woke infection of our universities are cheapening the value of human life and undermining the family as the foundation of our society. Christianity is under attack while churches burn and people of faith are accused of being homophobic and racist. Mainstream media is the mouthpiece of our corrupt government while Trudeau and his allies pass bills to silence any dissent, primarily from independent media.

Canada is not the country it once was, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be saved.

Stockwell Day served as leader of the opposition in his position as the head of the Alliance Party from Sept 2000 to December 2001. Despite his short tenure in that position, Mr. Day has extensive experience in politics, having served as Alberta’s Minister of Finance, Minister of Social Services and Minister of Labour and he has some very clear ideas on how we can save our country.

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Past Interviews

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60,000 Dead: MAiD in Canada
Alex Schadenberg

MAiD in Canada. It used to refer to quality products, but now Canada is known around the world as the leader in Medical Assistance in Dying, or Suicide by Doctor.

While our health care system is collapsing due to mismanagement and underfunding, mandates which fired thousands of front line health care workers, many of whom still have not been rehired, and doctors leaving for the U.S. or retiring early because they refuse to participate in the transgender attack upon our children, or to provide MAiD to their patients, Trudeau’s government is spending uncounted millions to build MAiD centers across the country and to actively promote suicide by doctor.

Currently in all provinces in Canada, patients with severe health care issues, or those nearing the end of life are repeatedly given the ‘option’ for MAiD. And there are horror stories of people mourning the loss of loved ones who were essentially coerced into doctor assisted suicide.

In addition, the procedure is misrepresented, and is not necessarily the peaceful death it is claimed to be.

Alex Schadenberg, the Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, has been tracking MAiD data in Canada and coordinating resistance to these laws for years. The EPC is the best source in the country for accurate information on MAiD.

Alex estimates, from government figures, that since MAiD was legalized under Trudeau in 2016, over 60,000 Canadians have now been killed in our hospitals and assisted suicide centers, making Canada the world leader for this procedure. And many of the victims are not demonstrably facing an inevitable death in the foreseeable future.

MAiD psychosis is permeating our country. Visitors to food banks are inquiring about MAiD because it’s too hard to be poor. And our government wants, as of February 27th, to make MAiD an option for those suffering from mental health issues. While there is resistance to that in the form of Bill C-62 which would delay this until 2027, the success of that Bill is by no means certain.

And if our federal government passes legislation in just a few days that will legalize MAiD for the mentally ill, their next step will be going after our children in the form of new legislation that would make MAiD available to ‘mature minors’, without parental consent.

There is no legal definition of mature minor, and it is feared that children as young as 12 could opt to have a doctor kill them, and the parents would have no say. No way to prevent the tragic loss of their child, murdered by our government.

LINK: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (

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Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 2: Canada Under Attack
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane

The current economic system is headed for collapse. The globalists want to replace it with CBDCs and social credit scores. I and others believe they will fail in that goal, but that does not change the fact that we are headed for a major crash, one so severe it could make the Great Depression look like a minor economic slump.

In November, we released my 3 part series with financial experts Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade and Warren Keane. That series, titled How to Profit in the Coming Economic Collapse, ranked in the top ten of my now almost 400 interviews for views. You can see that series at

But the picture is constantly changing. Rampant inflation, which is not the 4 or 5% the government claims, but well into double digits when food prices and rising energy costs are taken into account; unbridled immigration combined with falling house prices, a looming wave of foreclosures as people must soon renew their mortgages at much higher interest rates, a federal government which has run up more debt and printed more money than all previous governments combined, and of course the globalist’s plans to release more viruses and engineer cyber attacks while attempting to destroy our food and energy supplies, all contribute to the building pressure upon our wallets.

The writing is on the wall, for anyone with the courage to look at it.

And so Adrian, Bryce and Warren have kindly agreed to quarterly updates. Not just to give us all a clear picture of the evolving crisis, but more importantly to offer solutions.

In part one of this second series, we discuss the changes in the global situation over the past 3 months. In part two, we focus especially on the problems facing Canadians, and in part 3, once again we cover solutions. Solutions that are not just for those who can afford to invest hundreds of thousands, but also for those who have little or nothing with which to secure themselves and their families in the coming crisis.

It has been said that capitalism is a means for the uneven distribution of wealth, socialism is a means for the even distribution of poverty, and communism is socialism with a gun held to your head.

In a Canada where Trudeau’s government is working for outside powers that want to subject us all to their own special brand of communism, these interviews contain the information you need to be informed, and above all, to be prepared.


New World Precious Metals: Buy Precious Metals at Wholesale Prices

Contact Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant:
Email Adrian
Phone: 604•613•1693
Web: Adrian Spitters

Here is a link to Adrian’s brochure that explains his wealth advisory business in more detail. He works with a team of advisors to deliver holistic wealth advisory services. He is probably one of only a few advisors who can provide Holistic wealth advisory services that are also awake to the globalist agenda.

For anyone interested in downloading a free copy of Adrian’s book “Who’s Investing Your Money,” here is a link to the brochure

Who’s Investing Your Money? is available as a free PDF download at
or for purchase on as a paperback or Kindle at

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Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 1: The Great Taking
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane

The current economic system is headed for collapse. The globalists want to replace it with CBDCs and social credit scores. I and others believe they will fail in that goal, but that does not change the fact that we are headed for a major crash, one so severe it could make the Great Depression look like a minor economic slump.

In November, we released my 3 part series with financial experts Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade and Warren Keane. That series, titled How to Profit in the Coming Economic Collapse, ranked in the top ten of my now almost 400 interviews for views. You can see that series at

But the picture is constantly changing. Rampant inflation, which is not the 4 or 5% the government claims, but well into double digits when food prices and rising energy costs are taken into account; unbridled immigration combined with falling house prices, a looming wave of foreclosures as people must soon renew their mortgages at much higher interest rates, a federal government which has run up more debt and printed more money than all previous governments combined, and of course the globalist’s plans to release more viruses and engineer cyber attacks while attempting to destroy our food and energy supplies, all contribute to the building pressure upon our wallets.

The writing is on the wall, for anyone with the courage to look at it.

And so Adrian, Bryce and Warren have kindly agreed to quarterly updates. Not just to give us all a clear picture of the evolving crisis, but more importantly to offer solutions.

In part one of this second series, we discuss the changes in the global situation over the past 3 months. In part two, we focus especially on the problems facing Canadians, and in part 3, once again we cover solutions. Solutions that are not just for those who can afford to invest hundreds of thousands, but also for those who have little or nothing with which to secure themselves and their families in the coming crisis.

It has been said that capitalism is a means for the uneven distribution of wealth, socialism is a means for the even distribution of poverty, and communism is socialism with a gun held to your head.

In a Canada where Trudeau’s government is working for outside powers that want to subject us all to their own special brand of communism, these interviews contain the information you need to be informed, and above all, to be prepared.


New World Precious Metals: Buy Precious Metals at Wholesale Prices

Contact Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant:
Email Adrian
Phone: 604•613•1693
Web: Adrian Spitters

Here is a link to Adrian’s brochure that explains his wealth advisory business in more detail. He works with a team of advisors to deliver holistic wealth advisory services. He is probably one of only a few advisors who can provide Holistic wealth advisory services that are also awake to the globalist agenda.

For anyone interested in downloading a free copy of Adrian’s book “Who’s Investing Your Money,” here is a link to the brochure

Who’s Investing Your Money? is available as a free PDF download at
or for purchase on as a paperback or Kindle at

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In Defense of Freedom, The JCCF Interview 4 of 4: John Carpay

John Carpay, the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, has been fighting for our rights for 24 years, First, as a director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation from 2000 until 2004, then with the Canadian Constitution Foundation until he founded the JCCF in 2010.

For the past 14 years, the JCCF has provided more pro bono representation to Canadians to defend their constitutional rights than any other organization, in fact, I think it would be safe to say more than all other legal organizations put together.

From defending freedom of speech on university campuses, to representing the organizers of the Freedom Convoy; from taking governments to court and in at least one major case in Alberta, winning a significant victory, to defending the rights of many everyday Canadians under the tyranny of Trudeau’s covid policies.

In the past few years John has also become a close friend. I can tell you that he is everything he appears to be. Conscientious, hardworking and honest. Yes, an honest lawyer.

In this, the last episode on my four part series on the JCCF, John talks about the corruption in our courts, some of the most significant cases in the past few years, the challenges involved in running the JCCF, and his very perceptive views on how we can save Canada.

And like myself, John believes that we will save our country. It will take time, and yet more hard work and dedication, but in the end, Canada, and Canadians will once again be free.

Free to live our lives as we choose, free to raise our children as we see fit without state interference, and free of government tyranny.


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The Proof that Pfizer Lied: Nathaniel Mead, M.Sc.

Despite years of what has been obvious to many of us for some time, that the Covid vaccines are anything but safe and effective, we are still exposed daily to the Covid narrative. New variants are hyped in state-sponsored media, pharmacies advertise Covid shots, despite the fact that advertising pharmaceuticals in Canada is illegal, and Big Pharma leverages the WHO, which has become nothing but a marketing arm for them, to convince people that we need a One Health initiative of which more and more mRNA vaccines are a central theme.

And they can get away with it because the people have been duped. Truthful information is censored. Those who tell the truth are cancelled. Big Pharma spends billions to promote their products. Scientific journals, heavily funded by Big Pharma refuse to print papers that reveal the truth, and controlled governments, like ours, continue to repeat the clearly false ‘Safe and Effective’ mantra.

Some studies have gotten past the censors, often published in minor journals that have little or no funding from Big Pharma, but these studies are completely ignored by mainstream media and are definitely attacked by those who have either been deceived themselves, or are being paid to suppress the truth.

But now, we have a major study, co-authored by none other than Dr. Peter McCullough, which was very recently published by Cureus, the Journal of Medical Science, a well established online, open source, and heavily peer-reviewed publication. And despite fears that the paper would be retracted by Cureus within days, it has not been.

I am pleased to be joined today by Nathaniel Mead, an epidemiologist who is the main author of the paper. In this paper, Nathaniel and his colleagues examine the methodology used by Pfizer to falsely claim 95% effectiveness of their product, and the methods they used to hide the extreme harms. ‘Procedural chicanery’ is the term Nathaniel uses.

And it is an apt term, because what Nathaniel’s research shows is blunt and simple. Pfizer lied.

In this extensive interview, you will learn the methods Pfizer used to convince scientists, doctors and governments that their product would save the people from a virus that has been shown to have a lower mortality rate than many seasonal flus. A product that has made obscene profits for them, while killing and maiming tens of millions of people.


The study published at Cureus:

Update, Feb. 19th. We have received word that Cureus may retract the paper. Therefore we have placed a copy on our server for download. Download it here.

A synopsis published by The Defender:

Ribosomal Frame Shifting, the Ticking Time Bomb in the Shots, with Dr. Jessica Rose:

The Making of a Bioweapon, with Dr. Mark Trozzi:

Hope for the Vaxxed, with Dr. Peter McCullough:

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The Scales of Injustice, JCCF 3 of 4: Chris Fleury

The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms provides pro bono lawyers to Canadians whose constitutional rights have been violated. The JCCF is a registered charity founded over a decade ago by John Carpay, who still serves as the organization’s President. Their work is supported entirely by donations.

Since the start of the Covid plandemic, JCCF lawyers have worked tirelessly to represent those who lost their jobs and businesses, to defend everyday Canadians who received fines or prison sentences for defying mandates, and have partnered with my own organization, Strong And Free Canada, to bring Canadians the truth in the form of brochures, demonstrations and podcasts.

In this, the third of a four part series on the legal actions being taken by the JCCF on behalf of their clients, I am joined via zoom from Ontario by Justice Centre lawyer Chris Fleury, who has been with the JCCF for only a year but has already won some key cases. In today’s interview Chris gives us details on the acquittals of two men charged in association with the Freedom Convoy, and the persecution of Christian churches in Ontario.

The JCCF is the largest of the legal organizations in Canada fighting for our rights in the courts. Currently they employ 9 full time lawyers and 4 paralegals and are representing or have represented, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, organizers of the Freedom Convoy, and the Honorable Brian Peckford, who served as the third premier of Newfoundland and is the sole surviving author of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Despite only being with the Justice Center for the past year, Chris has been exposed to enough corruption, both in the courts and from our government to understand the ways in which Trudeau’s Liberals are attempting to dodge responsibility for violating our constitutional rights. Time will tell how long those strategies will continue to protect them.

And perhaps less time than we thought.

Late in this interview Chris and I discuss the case before the federal courts challenging the constitutionality of the Emergency Measures Act, invoked by Trudeau to shut down the Freedom Convoy. In the few hours between the time we completed the interview and I recorded this introduction, we received news that the federal court has accepted arguments by the Canadian Constitution Foundation’s lawyers, another organization fighting for our rights, that the invocation of the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy protests was unreasonable and violated the Charter rights to expression and security against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Donate to the JCCF here:

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Fixing Freedom: How to UnF**k Canada | Luke Denis and Chris Hampton

Government corruption. State sponsored media. Rampant immigration. Unaffordable living costs. The attack upon the energy sector. Manufactured food shortages. The woke.

The problems facing our country seem at times overwhelming. For those of us in the older generations, we are also left wondering how our country, a nation founded on freedom and respect for people’s rights, could have fallen so far.

But people are pushing back. Victories in our courts are being won. Not as often as we would like, and not always for the reasons we would like, but victories nonetheless. People are sharing the truth both online and in person, despite censorship. And more and more Canadians are showing that they’ve had enough of the lies, the coercions, and the leftist narratives.

Some are running for office in an attempt to rebalance the political scales, and others have started new political parties, feeling that the existing conservative parties have fallen too far from the values they were elected to uphold to be saved.

I’ve interviewed a number of founders and leaders of new conservative parties, from Maxime Bernier to Pastor Art Pawlowski, current political leaders, to past Canadian Conservative politicians such as Preston Manning and Brian Peckford. All are well intentioned and truly believe that government exists to serve the people.

But none have given as much thought to the problems facing our country as my guests today.

Luke Denis and Chris Hampton are the founders of the United Freedom Party of Alberta. They are also the authors of the book The Freedom Handbook, published in 2017.

It’s been said that 90% of any solution is understanding the problem.

What Luke and Chris propose would be to many, an extreme form of libertarianism. Minimum government and maximum personal rights and responsibilities. A system in which governments are limited to defense and administration – and nothing else. Critics would say that a society can’t function with such a low level of government oversight.

But Luke and Chris provide very sound, thoughtful arguments to support their idea that not only can such a society survive, but that it would thrive and become a model that others would follow. As long as the people in that society accept that freedom is a responsibility. That we cannot truly have one without accepting the other.


Website of the United Freedom Party:

The Freedom Handbook:

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Elevate Local: Your Local Canadian Marketplace | Travis MacDonald and Amir Kendic

During the plandemic, Canadian small and medium sized businesses suffered while internationally owned big box stores made record profits. Even now, many people shop online for the convenience while feeling guilty because they know they really should be buying local.

But what if there was a way to do both? To buy local, with the convenience of online shopping?

Travis MacDonald and Amir Kendic recently launched, a Canadian marketplace that is far more than just another business directory. Across the country, you can find local businesses, actual store fronts that you can visit if you wish, but you can also buy their products and services online through Elevate Local.

Elevate Local is a community. A community of consumers who want to buy from local businesses connecting with a community of local businesses who believe in ethical business practices and providing quality goods and services to their fellow Canadians. Together, the Elevate Local marketplace is the answer to big box stores. And because online shopping is also available, it’s safe from possible future lockdowns.

In this interview, Travis and Amir explain how Elevate Local provides convenience to Canadian consumers, while keeping their money in Canada, and how they help local businesses to connect with a broader customer base and even help new businesses to get off the ground.

LINK: Elevate Local –

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WHO Proposed IHR Amendments ‘Null and Void’?: James Roguski

On May 27th of this year, the World Health Assembly, which is the executive decision-making body of the World Health Organization, will meet in Geneva for the 77th World Health Assembly to discuss and we must assume, approve the over 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations proposed in 2022.

Amendments, the contents of which we still do not know, because the WHO is keeping them secret. According to their own rules, they must at least let the Assembly delegates have copies no later than January 27th.

According to Article 55 of the WHO’s own rules, they must provide copies of all items to be discussed at annual World Health Assemblies at least four months in advance so that delegates will have time to review them prior to the meeting.

But there’s a problem.

The WHO has admitted that they will not have finalized the proposed amendments by the deadline of January 27th. Will they then pass them on to next year in order to be in compliance with their own rules. Of course not. What they will do is ignore their own rules.

But that may in fact be good news. At least for us, if not for them.

James Roguski is undoubtedly the world’s leading expert on the WHO and the International Health Regulations. He has been keeping tabs on the WHO daily for at least the past two years and publishes frequently to his Substack on what he finds.

James joins me today to reveal the ways in which the WHO is cheating, violating their own rules, and in so doing, rendering any decision they make about the proposed amendments null and void.


James’ Substack Article:

Call James Roguski: +1-310-619-3055

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