I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.

We needed a steady source of funding. Iron Will Report was established in the spring of 2022 to give those seeking truth in media and honest government something of value in return for supporting our ongoing efforts.

When you become a subscriber at Iron Will Report, you get the truth that mainstream media won't report, and that our government doesn't want you to hear, and you support our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

Visit StrongAndFreeCanada.org here or Subscribe to IronWillReport.com using the button on this page.


With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

The Corruption of Canadian Courts: Denis Rancourt

Due to the resounding silence from mainstream media, many people believe that the thousands of covid mandate related cases in our courts have been resolved. This is not the case. Our courts continue to rule against the rights of Canadians.

In one particularly egregious recent case in Ontario, a judge ruled in favor of a mother to decide not to inject her kids. As part of this decision Justice Pazaratz ruled that the science of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was definitely not settled, all government claims to the contrary.

But then, the Ontario Court of Appeals not only overturned that very fair minded and just decision, but essentially sentenced two children to endless vaccine injections by awarding decision making authority to the father. A man who had presented no scientific evidence whatsoever and whose entire case appeared to have been built on character assassination of the children’s mother.

Denis Rancourt is not a lawyer. He’s a scientist. In my previous interview with Denis he showed from All Cause Mortality data from around the world that Covid did not result in any extra deaths. That in fact any extra deaths were the result of disastrous government actions.

But Denis also has more than 15 years experience in our courts. And he’s an exceptional researcher. He has written several papers doing what legal scholars should be doing, but aren’t. Finding the legal inconsistencies and biased decisions in our courts.

In this interview, Denis’s research shows that our courts have been captured. That they are working, not for the people, but for our government.


Denis’ Website

Ontario Appeals Court Case

Ontario Civil Liberties Association

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