Interview Excerpt

The Climate Lie: Part 2, Exposing the Agenda |
Frank Lasee

By Iron Will / February 12, 2025 /

The climate alarmist narrative is being used to destroy our economy and frighten people into giving up their freedoms. But the entire narrative is false. Which is a diplomatic way of saying it’s a pack of lies. A collection of falsified, misrepresented and cherry picked data to convince people that manmade CO2 emissions are going to cause a runaway greenhouse gas effect that will kill us all.

Frank Lasee, a former Wisconsin Representative and Senator, and now the President of Truth and Energy in Climate, has written the most well-rounded book I have yet read exposing the false climate narrative.

Frank’s book, Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous and Destructive thoroughly destroys the climate alarmist pseudo-scientific narrative, while also addressing the politics of climate change. Who’s behind it, and what do they stand to gain?

In this, part 2 of this 2 part interview, Frank exposes the real reason for the false manmade global warming narrative, and what those behind the narrative have to gain from it.

Spoiler alert. It has absolutely nothing to do with the climate.


Part 1 of The Climate Lie:

Climate and Energy Lies on

Climate and Energy Lies on

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Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
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Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman: Dispatches from the 11th Hour |
Jennifer Bilek

By Iron Will / February 9, 2025 /

When most of us refer to the trans agenda, or the trans movement, we mean transgenderism – people who believe they can choose their gender.

But independent journalist Jennifer Bilek has written an excellent book which reveals that transgenderism and transhumanism, the globalist ideology of merging humans with machines, are in fact one and the same trans agenda.

Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman: Dispatches from the 11th hour is an expose of how a handful of wealthy and influential people have hijacked the political left, financed transgender clinics and woke educational systems, and manipulated governments and legal organizations, all for the purpose of normalizing transhumanism – which should really be called antihumanism.

Because if they are allowed to succeed in their agenda, it could well lead to the end of what it means to be human.


Buy the book on Amazon:

Jennifer’s blog:


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Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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The Climate Lie: Part 1, Debunking the ‘Science’ |
Frank Lasee

By Iron Will / February 2, 2025 /

The climate alarmist narrative is being used to destroy our economy and frighten people into giving up their freedoms. But the entire narrative is false. Which is a diplomatic way of saying it’s a pack of lies. A collection of falsified, misrepresented and cherry picked data to convince people that manmade CO2 emissions are going to cause a runaway greenhouse gas effect that will kill us all.

And sadly, it’s working. Largely because dissenting voices, those who cite the real scientific facts that completely debunk the narrative are censored and silenced.

But, the truth, as they say, is out there.

There have been many books written by scientists debunking the global warming lie, but one of the best recent books comes not from a scientist, but a politician.

Frank Lasee, a former Wisconsin Representative and Senator, and now the President of Truth and Energy in Climate, has written the most well-rounded book I have yet read on real climate science.

Frank’s book, Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous and Destructive thoroughly destroys the climate alarmist pseudo-scientific narrative, while also addressing the politics of climate change. Who’s behind it, and what do they stand to gain?

In this two-part interview Frank, in this, part one, will show you the real science that utterly destroys the false manmade global warming lie. In part two, coming next week, Frank discloses the various parties behind this narrative, and what they stand to gain from it.


Climate and Energy Lies on

Climate and Energy Lies on

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Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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Smoke and Mirrors: The Truth About Taxes in Canada |
Kris Sims

By Iron Will / January 22, 2025 /

In just 9 years Justin Trudeau has doubled Canada’s debt, while increasing taxes and leaving Canadians with nothing to show for it. Canada’s debt clock stands at 1.2 trillion dollars, and that debt grows by over $100 million dollars every day.

If you were born in 1975, your lifetime tax burden would have been $404,000 dollars. If you were born just 30 years later, in 2005, your lifetime tax burden is $2.27 million.

Suffering under a crushing tax load that takes half their earnings every year, many working Canadians are now turning to food banks just to feed their families.

And the truly shocking thing is that the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has proven that the budget can be balanced, without costing Canadians what services they have left and leaving them with substantially more money in their pockets.

The CTF has been sounding the alarm on taxes in Canada since 1990, and is pushing back, most recently with a lawsuit against Trudeau’s government over Revenue Canada implementing new Capital Gains Tax changes that will further impoverish Canadians without those changes having been approved by parliament, a move which is illegal under our Constitution.

Kris Sims is the Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, and she joins me today to blow away the smoke our federal government is using to attempt to hide the true tax situation, and how it is destroying our country.


Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.

Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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Whole Life or Term? Understanding Your Insurance Options |
Oliver Ross

By Iron Will / January 19, 2025 /

Many financial advisors will recommend whole or universal life insurance policies, as these build equity over time. However, while this may be good advice for the wealthy and high income earners, it may not be the best path for the common person who is often, especially in today’s society, struggling just to get by every month.

Oliver Ross of Liberty Lives, who has been a guest on my show in the past with a series on protecting your privacy, joins me today to discuss the ins and outs of life insurance. There is no one size fits all solution, and understanding the pros and cons of whole life versus term may not only help you to make a better decision on which option will best protect your family in the event of your untimely death, but even be a strategy for freeing up money for savings and investments.

As Oliver points out, the goal with any form of life insurance is to reach in life a level of wealth where you no longer need insurance.

Contact Oliver:

Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.

Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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The Truth About Chinese Interference in Canada |
Leon Lee

By Iron Will / January 15, 2025 /

Chinese interference in Canadian politics. Hacking of Canadian databases by Chinese agents. Tiktok, a social media platform built by the Chinese government to brainwash our kids. Many of us today are justifiably very concerned about Chinese influence in our country.

But how much worse is government control in china itself. How do they recruit agents to infiltrate our country and how do they control them once they are here. Why do they want our data and what do they plan to do with it? Why are they after our youth?

These questions and many others are answered in two films from Canadian producer Leon Lee. Not documentaries as you might expect, but feature-length movies based heavily on fact and interviews with many of the main characters portrayed.

In Mind Wave, released just this past November, Lee tells a fictional but at the same time very accurate story of Chinese hacking in Canada, and of the extent the Chinese government goes to in their attempt to appear innocent.

In Unsilenced, Lee’s previous film from 2021, we’re given a picture inside China, where the government arrests, tortures and murders people in the cause of maintaining their control.

But as with all stories of persecution, heroes arise to fight for their rights and for the truth.

Leon joins me today to discuss his films, and to give us his observations on Chinese interference in Canada.

Mr. Lee’s films are available on Youtube for a very small fee, and I highly recommend them.

As Wang Weiyu, one of the main characters in Unsilenced says, “if we all seek the truth, insist on the truth and tell the truth, truth will ultimately prevail.”


Mind Wave:

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Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.

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Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda |
Jason W

By Iron Will / January 12, 2025 /

The trans agenda infecting our schools and brainwashing our children is largely based on SOGI, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, an ideology which is being pushed in Canada by the Vancouver based ARC foundation.

But it didn’t originate with ARC. In fact, the origins of the trans movement can be traced back much farther, and today the UN and WHO are now pushing the trans agenda around the world.

The WHO publishes now, as part of their recommended curriculum, the teaching of masturbation to children from 0 to 4 years, and even claims in their official documentation that children as young as 5 can give sexual consent. In Germany, some playschools now have masturbation rooms for pre-school children, and teachers around the world are being trained to use the term MAP, or Minor Attracted Person, rather than the far more accurate ‘pedophile’ in an effort to normalize the sexual abuse of children.

My guest today prefers not to reveal his last name as he has already suffered substantial persecution for revealing these facts. Jason, who writes on Substack as Tri-Torch has done a deep dive into how the trans agenda is being used to attack our children’s identity and safety at the highest levels, including the UN, the WHO and even UNICEF.

Furthermore, Jason recommends that we turn the tables. That instead of allowing our children to become victims, we teach them what the trans agenda is really for, and we, in effect, deputize them and urge them to report to us as their parents when inappropriate material is presented in class or in school libraries.

This interview is an exercise in the famous quote from Sun Tzu, ‘Know thy enemy’.


Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report.

Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

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UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword? |
Glenn Bogue

By Iron Will / January 8, 2025 /

Most of us view UNDRIP, the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a globalist plot to steal our lands and resources. And we’re not wrong.

However, one man, author and lawyer Glenn Bogue believes that UNDRIP can be a double-edged sword, that we can use the fact that it has been entrenched in our constitution to our advantage, and furthermore prevent our First Nations, which are artificial corporations created by the Harper and Trudeau governments, from giving away our lands and resources.

The argument is based upon several key court decisions and a few very important terms, among them Aboriginal, Indigenous and First Nations. Most of us use these terms interchangeably but in fact under the law they have different meanings. For example, if you were born in this country, you are lawfully indigenous. This is a different thing than being Aboriginal, and a very different thing from being First Nations.

The use of these words in both UNDRIP and our constitution can be used to deny the globalists the ability to steal our lands and resources from us.

And more than that, there is something that every Indigenous person in this country can do to fight back against the UNDRIP agenda, and protect our right to ownership of what is lawfully ours.

Bio of Glenn Bogue

Glenn Bogue (aka Spirit Warrior) was an Olympic Sprinter (1976) who attempted to stop Ben Johnson from competing in the Seoul Olympics due to steroid abuse.

In the USA, he earned 2 N.C.A.A. Academic All-American Awards, and an N.C.A.A. Post-graduate scholarship, which went toward his law degree at Osgoode Hall School of Law in Toronto.

Glenn is a member of the Law Society of ONTARIO, where he was suspended after recommending 2 mothers sue a Judge who took their Metis children, although that Judge found those children to be loving and bonded to their model parents.

Glenn earned a Master’s degree cum laude in History, which enabled him to write The 5 Books of Isis series that address cellular health, and the Origins of Mankind, based on The Genographic Project (2006) that used genetics to establish we all come from one woman, in Ethiopia, just 200,000 years ago.

Today, Glenn is the Attorney General of the Alliance of Indigenous Nations Treaty, and its Inter-national Tribunal that has been acknowledged by CANADA.


Synopsis of Glenn’s Legal Argument:

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Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.

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Everything You Know About Heart Disease and Diabetes is Wrong |
Ivor Cummins

By Iron Will / January 5, 2025 /

Diabetes. Heart Disease. Cholesterol. Your doctor will run blood tests, and frown over your results. Then they’ll put on you on medication to treat it.

Unfortunately virtually everything doctors have been taught about the cause of these conditions is wrong.

Statins, used to treat high cholesterol are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs today, despite the fact that one of the listed side effects is an increased risk of diabetes. Clearly drugs are not the answer.

Ivor Cummins, who for many years now has been releasing very informative videos on social media platforms and at his website, has interviewed some of the top experts in the world on these subjects. Not the experts that are promoted by pharmaceutical companies to market their products, but the real experts. Doctors and scientists who have nothing to gain from telling you the truth.

And the good news is, there are simple things you can do to dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease, and even reverse type 2 diabetes, as another guest on my show, Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder of the Front Line Critical Covid Care alliance did not long ago, after 20 years as a type 2 diabetic.


The Fat Emperor:

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Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.

Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693

Find and Join your LOCAL Freedom Community. We are building in-person freedom communities across Canada at Joining is free and only takes a minute.

Get a truly Secure Phone. Above Phone! Purchase price includes a 45 minute online personalized orientation session. Stop the government and corporations from spying on you. Use code IRONWILL25 for $25.00 off any phone.

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The Truth is No Defense: Censorship in Canada |
Ezra Levant

By Iron Will / November 10, 2024 /

Rebel News has become an icon of conservative independent journalism in Canada, but it has not come without cost.

Rebel News and its founder, Ezra Levant, have been ceaselessly attacked by our governments and by various leftist organizations. Ezra estimates that to date Rebel may have spent as much as $2 million defending themselves and their reporters, in many cases successfully.

I am joined today by Ezra from the Rebel News studio in Toronto to provide details on the censorship battles, many of which are still ongoing, and to provide his thoughts on independent journalism in a country, where, as Ezra states during the interview “the truth is not a defense”.

He also provides his advice to young independent journalists on how to succeed in joining the fight to bring Canadians the truth, and on how mainstream media has become nothing more than a propaganda machine for the government.

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