Interview Excerpt
We live in a surveillance state. Everything we do, everywhere we go, governments and corporations are watching and listening. Data has become a currency. There are whole companies who make hundreds of millions by simply collecting data and selling it, once again to governments and other corporations, so they in turn can control you or profit from you.
If our government succeeds in implementing Digital IDs and social credit scores, it will get even worse.
And the majority of that tracking is done through these. Almost all of us not only have one, but our society has reached a point where you can’t function without your phone. It’s not just communication, it’s navigation, information, entertainment and social interaction.
Sure, if you’re very tech savvy you can degoogle your phone, and even take other steps to protect your privacy, but how many of us know how to do that. I was in a technical career for years and I have no idea.
But what if there was a phone you could buy that would protect your privacy and security out of the box? And what if it worked almost exactly like the phone you have now, if you have an android? And if you have an iphone, the learning curve for this secure phone is quite manageable for most people. And what if this phone could be purchased for no more money than any other phone, or even less, when compared to some iphone models.
Hakeem Anwar used to work for big tech in New York City. While very good at his job, Hakeem was also awake. Surrounded by leftists who were buying the various narratives, Hakeem understood that everything we did, said and even thought, was being recorded and analyzed by those who will use that information against us. Hakeem is also a core member of the Freedom Cell Network, and co-producer of The Greater Reset.
And so he founded Above Phone, spent many months on coding and development, and produced a truly secure phone. Above also provides secure laptops. Hakeem joins me today to explain, in plain English that any of us can understand, how it all works. How you can continue to use and carry a phone, while having your privacy, identity and security completely protected.
Buy a secure phone:
Full version available to members.
Read MoreDr. Geert Vanden Bossche holds a Ph.D. in virology. Years ago he worked for several vaccine companies in R&D, and even worked for GAVI, Bill Gates’ so-called vaccine alliance. This was before Dr. Vanden Bossche realized that these organizations had anything but the best interests of the people at heart.
But his past experience and scientific knowledge does give him a unique perspective on the use of vaccines.
In 2021, it was Dr. Vanden Bossche who warned that mass vaccination against Covid would guarantee that the vaccinated would never develop herd immunity.
And in this he has been proven correct. The statistics clearly show that with each new variant, it is the vaccinated who fill the hospitals while the unvaxxed enjoy natural immunity, in most cases even to new variants.
But why? Why are the vaccinated more susceptible to infection? Why is it the bodies of the vaccinated that are continually producing new variants? Why do the vaxxed develop long Covid, and what really is long Covid?
And if the vaccinated will never develop herd immunity, will this ever stop? And if it doesn’t, will the virus eventually mutate into something truly dangerous, at least for the vaccinated?
Full version available to members.
Read MoreOur country is under attack on all fronts, but especially in two areas. Freedom of speech, and the diluting of our culture through Trudeau’s immigration policies.
Those of us who publicly object to the attacks upon our rights or the giving away of our country are often accused of hate speech. We’re racists and white supremacists.
Paul Fromm is one of these. Every Wikipedia article and a number of mainstream media reports on Paul accuse him of being a neo-Nazi white supremacist.
The truth is of course quite the opposite.
Paul is the founder of a number of organizations whose purpose is to defend our rights and preserve our culture. His regular newsletters are well thought out, perceptive arguments on such topics as freedom of speech, the real purpose of the Israel Hamas conflict, the attack upon Christianity, Trudeau’s green agenda and the Great Takeover, the giving away of our country through rampant immigration.
Paul is perhaps, if anything, the embodiment of what it is to be Canadian. Polite, soft spoken and rational. A person who knows who he is, what he believes and most importantly, why he believes it.
To paraphrase Paul, he’s not anti anything. He’s pro Canada.
To subscribe to the Free Speech Monitor or the Canadian Immigration Hotline, to get samples or a booklist, write:
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Read MoreWell over two years ago, as it became obvious to many of us that the injections manufactured in the billions by big pharma were not vaccines, but rather a bioweapon, I confess that I believed at the time that it wasn’t a very good bioweapon.
Even now, with the work of Drs. Denis Rancourt and Joseph Hickey showing that to date approximately 17 million people worldwide have died from the vaccines, they still do not appear on the surface to be very effective at achieving the goal of the globalists: to kill, maim and sterilize a large percentage of the human population.
As obscene as it is for any decent person to contemplate killing 17 million people, that is still well less than one percent of the global population. In fact, it’s only one fifth of one percent. From the perspective of the globalists, who may want to kill of as much as 90% of us, this bioweapon of theirs seems ineffective.
Unless, of course, we have not yet seen the full effect.
New evidence keeps coming to light. As virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche said, the vaccines have a million different ways to kill you. Early this year we learned that the shots contain not just RNA, but a substantial amount of DNA. Then we found out about the inclusion of SV40 simian virus protein strands. Recently Dr. Phillip McMillan released data on the fact that the more often a person is reinfected with Covid, the greater the risk of a severe effect on their long term health.
But the latest revelation is the one that concerns me the most. Very recently we learned about something called ribosomal frame shifting, the ability of the shots to corrupt key proteins in the bodies of the injected. Everything, but everything that happens in our bodies is controlled or regulated by proteins.
Dr. Jessica Rose holds a Ph.D. in computational biology, a rare degree. In the past I have interviewed Dr. Rose on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. But Dr. Rose also holds post-doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and a Masters degree in Immunology.
She understands the harms caused by the shots, not just on a deep biological level, but also in terms of real numbers, from her statistical analysis of the VAERS system.
She joins me today to give us all a thorough explanation of just exactly what ribosomal frame shifting is, and how it can potentially affect the vaccinated. It is never my intent to engage in fearmongering. I prefer to focus on messages of hope. But it is also my responsibility to bring you the truth.
Dr. Rose, as with all ethical scientists, will freely admit there is a lot we don’t understand yet about how the Covid shots affect the body. It is my genuine hope that the information revealed in this interview is not as grim as I fear. Because if it is, the Covid shots could be a ticking time bomb. One that sooner or later, will go off inside the bodies of everyone who has been injected.
Dr. Rose’s Substack:
Dr. Rose’s article at the Brownstone Institute: Modified Spike mRNA: There Are No ‘Desired Proteins’
Read MoreAlmost four years after the start of the plandemic, it is now an open secret that the Covid vaccines are in fact a bioweapon, despite governments and media continuing the ‘safe and effective’ narrative. Almost daily, new data comes forward proving that they are anything but.
Recently a whistle blower in New Zealand released the government’s secret data showing the undeniable link between deaths and the jabs, to the extent that some batches have a death rate 20x higher than the general population. Recent data from the UK government shows that the vaccinated there now account for 96% of all deaths, across all age groups, despite only 70% of the population being vaccinated.
And the truth continues to come out. DNA in the shots discovered earlier this year by Dr. Kevin McKernan has since been verified by several other highly qualified researchers. SV40, a strand of the simian virus, metal contaminants, and very recently a protein very similar to spider silk that may be the cause of the highly unusual and never seen before blood clots found in the veins of those killed by the vaccines.
There is hope, though. Effective treatments have been found for spike protein toxicity and researchers around the world are working at reverse engineering the vaccines to understand their full effect upon the body and to find ever more effective treatments to at least reduce the damage.
Dr. Mark Trozzi has been fighting the war for truth since 2021, at the cost of his career and the probability of financial ruin at the hands of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
In this interview, Mark brings us an update on all the recent discoveries about the vaccines and what each discovery means in terms of effects upon the body, but also his optimism that effective treatments for those who were coerced and deceived into taking the vaccines will continue to be found.
Read MoreLockdowns, which began in 2020, destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses across Canada. Adam Skelly, the owner of Adamson BBQ, a chain of 3 very popular barbeque restaurants in the Toronto area became an inspiration to countless Canadians when, in November of 2020 he defied the second round of lockdowns and kept his business open.
He was arrested, and his business closed and locked by police. His equipment was auctioned off. He spent two days in prison until he agreed not to post any information on his arrest on social media. In short, the government silenced him and put him out of business.
To this day, though, Adam is still fighting not just for his rights, but for ours. His first case was dismissed by the court in 2022, after the government tried very hard to keep the case out of the public eye and Adam’s lawyers burned through almost 300,000 dollars for what ultimately proved to be incompetent actions. He is now suing the lawyers, although at least one has fled the country.
Adam has now filed a second case against the Government of Ontario. A case which will aim to prove that the government’s actions were unconstitutional. A number of experts are prepared to testify, including Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Byram Bridle.
But there is also a lawsuit against Adam by the City of Toronto. They want to charge him 187,000 dollars for police services for the 253 police officers they claim were needed to close his restaurant and maintain order. And they are trying to use that as leverage to once again silence him. The Crown claims that Adam’s constitutional challenge is frivolous, and so are demanding he pay $32,000 in advance in case he loses. Despite the fact that his court date is scheduled for October of 2024, he’s been given until January 20th to come up with the money.
If Adam wins his case next October he’s been assured that the charges against him, including the 187,000 dollars will be dropped. If however, he loses the case, or fails to come up with the $32,000 dollars they will proceed with the City of Toronto case against him.
Adam doesn’t have to do pursue his case against the Ontario government. He has since moved on with his life, even moving away from Ontario. But he continues to believe that our rights must be respected, that freedom is not free, and that all that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Read MoreThere has been a great deal of attention paid recently to the completion of the National Citizens Inquiry. A panel of four commissioners who heard testimony from 305 witnesses, 94 of them expert witnesses. Their 5,000 page plus report made thousands of recommendations that could prevent the violations of Canadians’ rights from happening again.
But there is a problem with the NCI. It is a public inquiry, conducted by members of the public and as such carries no weight with the government. As testimony to this, 63 government witnesses were invited to testify. None of them did.
Meanwhile, in Alberta, where the Court of King’s Bench earlier this year ruled the Covid mandates to be illegal, Premier Danielle Smith commissioned an expert panel to review the actions of the previous government. Actions which, as in all provinces in Canada, resulted in devastating harms to the people and to the economy.
Premier Smith commissioned this panel in January, shortly after replacing former premier Jason Kenney, whose government was responsible for these actions.
Preston Manning, the founder of the Reform Party, former leader of the federal opposition, and of course an experienced legislator, served as Chairman.
In this interview, Preston reveals what was found by the panel, and gives us details on some of the more significant of the 20 areas of recommendations which they have made to the Alberta government for amendments to Alberta law which would prevent the government from trampling on the rights of Albertans, should another health emergency, real or not, occur.
The panel’s recommendations are significant, in that they would take away from appointed officials, such as the Public Health Officer, the right to mandate actions for the people. Appointed officials are not accountable to the public, and as has been seen across Canada, this allows them to violate our rights with relative impunity. The panels recommendations would place that power with elected officials, who are subject to accountability to the people who elected them.
LINK: Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel final report
Read MoreOrganizations such as the WEF, the WHO, Gavi, Bill Gates’ vaccine alliance, and Big Pharma companies are all part of the globalist cabal. The head offices of these organizations are mostly in Geneva, Switzerland. Switzerland is also where the WEF hosts its annual meetings.
Because the Swiss government has granted these organizations diplomatic immunity, which means they can plan and execute their crimes against humanity without fear of their leadership being arrested. Or at least, that is what they believe.
Pascal Najadi is the son of Hussein Najadi, who in 1971 co-founded with Klaus Schwab the organization that would become the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1984 Hussein left after he became aware of Klaus Schwab’s true agenda. He was subsequently assassinated in 2013.
His son Pascal is a victim of the globalist bioweapons marketed as vaccines. After 3 Pfizer shots, he is dying of an autoimmune disease. Pascal, an investment banker like his father, has filed criminal charges against Alain Berset, the current president of Switzerland for his part in the crime of pushing these bioweapons on the people. Pascal has also filed charges against the doctors who injected him for failing to provide information on the possible side effects.
In addition, Pascal Najadi, along with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, is featured in the short documentary Cutting Off the Head of Snake, which has now received over 600 million views since it’s release in October. Najadi and Stuckelberger are calling on the Swiss government to revoke the diplomatic immunity of these organizations so they can be held accountable for their crimes.
Read MoreQuite some time ago a paper was published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, which claimed that the Covid vaccines had saved millions of lives. The paper was widely quoted as justification for vaccine mandates and endless boosters.
But the study was wrong. The researchers manipulated and misrepresented the data to get the result they had been paid by their big pharma sponsors to find.
Fortunately, we have right here in Canada two exceptional researchers of our own. Dr. Joseph Hickey and Dr. Denis Rancourt. It was they and their team who proved, based upon all cause mortality data from around the world that Covid 19 did not in and of itself, result in any extra deaths. Covid did not kill anyone who wasn’t going to die anyway. You can find my previous interview with Dr. Rancourt on that subject at
Now Drs. Rancourt and Hickey have analyzed the data from the Lancet study, and their findings do not just soundly debunk the claim of millions of lives saved from the vaccines, but give us the first reliable estimates of the obscene number of people worldwide who have died from those same vaccines.
In this interview I am joined by Dr. Hickey, who shows us the methodology used and the resulting charts from their research. You may find Joseph’s style of presentation to be somewhat dry. But I would urge you to take the time to not only watch this interview, but pay close attention to the science presented, which is understandable for most of us.
It is important to see the degree to which data has been blatantly manipulated in order to support the Covid narrative, and to understand the analyses of Drs. Hickey and Rancourt, which shows that the Lancet study wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t sloppy research. It was an outright lie.
Read MoreYou will own nothing, and you will be happy.
In 1949 China fell to communism, and their promise to the workers was much the same. Farmers were granted land to work with a promise that all their needs would be met by the government, as long as they did as they were told.
Roger Song was born two years before the Maoist cultural revolution in 1966. One of two children, he remembers that he and his family lived on 20 eggs a month, two kilos of meat, rice and a few vegetables. All provided by the government under a social credit score system.
Roger immigrated to Canada twenty three years ago. He has been practicing law here since 2008. Roger is suing the Alberta Law Society over their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda, which has been codified by the society under section 67.4 of their mandate. Section 67.4 allows the society not only to dictate that lawyers complete continuing education requirements, but what exactly those requirements are. This year’s course, titled The Path, is a five hour indoctrination video on indigenous culture. Failure to complete the course, which has everything to do with woke politics, and nothing to do with practicing law, will result in suspension of a lawyer’s license.
Roger remembers being subjected to indoctrination growing up in China. The government told people what to believe, where they could go, what they could eat, and above all, what they could and could not say.
In this interview, Roger Song reveals the startling parallels between the woke movement in Canada that is infecting our schools, our colleges and of course the internet, with Chinese Maoism. A system that promised you would own nothing, and you would be happy.
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