How to Represent Yourself and Win
Beatrijs Penn

From 2020 until 2022 tens of thousands of Canadians were wrongfully dismissed from their jobs for refusing to take an experimental injection. Most simply do not have the resources to hire a lawyer to fight for the justice and reparation they deserve and many still don’t have those jobs back.

Beatrijs Penn was expelled from her psychotherapy practicum at St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta in 2015. While her expulsion had nothing to do with lockdowns or vaccine mandates, it was nonetheless a wrongful dismissal.

After spending 70,000 dollars and six years with a lawyer, and losing, Beatrijs made the decision to appeal. Without a lawyer.

She filed her appeal in 2021. In November of last year, two and half years and only a few thousand dollars in expenses later, Beatrijs won her appeal. The judges ruled that she had indeed been wrongfully dismissed. While the courts have not yet decided upon damages, St. Stephen’s College will almost certainly owe Beatrijs a substantial sum.

Vaccine mandate wrongful dismissals were often made under the accusation of ‘unprofessional conduct’. In this interview, which is very much the manual for how to successfully present yourself in court, you will learn how long you should expect the process to take, what it will cost in both time and money, and perhaps most importantly, the grounds on which you should seek justice.

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Past Interviews

(Note that full Member Exclusive interviews will not be displayed, however free excerpts are.)

Drag Shows: How to Protect Your Kids | Leighton Grey

The transgender movement in our society is aimed directly at our children. Drag shows are being put on in our schools and public libraries, often without parental knowledge or consent.

Lawyer Leighton Grey is taking a public stand against these drag shows on the legal basis that in many cases they are being financed by public funds. Your tax dollars, and that as this is being done without your consent it’s a misuse of those public funds.

Leighton joins me today with his thoughts on the intentional gender confusion of our youth and how we can fight it. Along the way he and I come up with two potential strategies which you can use to protect your children now.


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Beyond Died Suddenly: The Real Data | Dr. William Makis

Many of you are aware of the obscene numbers of deaths and injuries occurring around the world from the so-called Covid vaccines. But you are only aware because you went looking for that information.

The vast majority of Canadians are still being duped by state controlled media and our government and in most cases, would not believe the truth even if it was presented to them.

There is a massive cover up in play. The truth is censored while mainstream media continues a relentless propaganda campaign, and those who do speak out, especially those with credentials are attacked and slandered in an attempt to silence them, and to send a message to others that if they speak out, they too will have their lives and careers destroyed.

Dr. William Makis, one of the many victims of persecution by the media and the colleges of physicians has been tracking the deaths and injuries, as well as the methods by which they are being covered up, on his substack at

Dr. Makis joins me today with solid data, and the picture he paints is more grimly shocking than most of us could imagine.

And it’s getting worse.


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Vax Injured Pilots, Is It Safe to Fly? | Greg Hill

Many of you will be aware of the multiple incidents of pilots who have collapsed in the cockpit after receiving covid vaccinations. Recently Steve Kirsch, an American entrepreneur and activist revealed on his Substack changes made by the Federal Aviation Administration on a concerning change to medical examinations for pilots, in which EKG requirements were greatly relaxed due to the large number of heart injuries.

Transport Canada has also relaxed their requirements, and if it can be believed, to an even more concerning degree.

But does this mean that flying has become unsafe? Certainly the WEF wants us to think so, as they want to restrict our movements as much as possible. But what does an experienced pilot have to say?

Greg Hill is the co-founder of, an organization founded to fight for our right to freedom of movement. Greg is also an experienced commercial pilot who lost his job after refusing the vaccines.

In this interview, Greg talks about the changes at Transport Canada and his concerns of the impact on flight safety, but he also gives us an inside view of the redundancies built into flight crews, the training they go through in order to react quickly and decisively in the event that another pilot collapses mid-flight, and provides us with a clear and balanced view, free of fear-mongering, so that we can all make an informed decision about whether or not we feel safe to fly.



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7 Absolute Rights | John Carpay

How can we compare today’s dictatorship to the past?
How have dictatorships been fought throughout history?
What can we do to regain the rights we have lost, peacefully?


7 Absolute Rights

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How They’ll Sell the Surveillance State | James Roguski

James Roguski is an author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into simple language that is easily understood to facilitate action. Mr. Roguski’s Substack has been a source of information for a number of my own weekly news segments on the Iron Will Report.

James and I have sometimes been in the same meetings with other freedom leaders. We’re both contributors to the World Council for Health, and we’re both doing everything we can to make the truth accessible to as many people as possible.

Recently, I reached out to James with a request for an interview. His Substack makes it clear he is knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects in regards to the attempted globalist takeover of our rights and freedoms, but James turned the tables on me, and instead invited me to be interviewed by him.

In this interview James asks for my bird’s eye view of the globalist strategy. What they are really doing, what they are likely to do, and most importantly what we can all do to stop them.

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14 Year Veteran Imprisoned for the Truth | Jeremy MacKenzie

Our government has developed a habit in the past 3 years of imprisoning people who say things that are counter to the narrative. John Carpay, president of the JCCF, Tamara Lich, Freedom Convoy Organizer, Pastor Art Pawlowski, and many others. Some of you will be familiar with Jeremy MacKenzie, the Raging Dissident.

Jeremy has now spent a total of ten weeks in prison, despite the fact that he has no criminal record, served 14 years in the military, often under fire, and has committed no criminal acts. What he has done is to be outspoken in his views of our tyrannical government. And so, of course they activate their controlled media to paint him as an ‘armed and dangerous’ terrorist.

Then there’s Diagolon. A meme. A joke created by MacKenzie to highlight the paranoia that always infects tyrants. We can’t know if the media was instructed to report Diagolon as a militant, racist, terrorist group, or if they are just so stupid they don’t know a joke when they see it. But the effect is the same. An innocent man is arrested and imprisoned for months on baseless charges, and there is no public outcry.

Jeremy is out now, and continuing his Raging Dissident podcast. So since imprisoning him didn’t work, now he has received word from the Bank of Nova Scotia, where he has done his banking for years, that they are cancelling his accounts. This includes his mortgage. And no other bank in Canada will take his business.
Here, with his entire story is Jeremy MacKenzie, the Raging Dissident.


Raging Dissident

Will’s Jan 2022 Interview with Jeremy


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Lies the Diet & Fitness Industry Told You: Part 2 | Will Dove and Dr. Mark Trozzi

In part two of this interview with Dr. Mark Trozzi, Will talks about the real reasons for exercise, how to develop mental and emotional resiliency, and how to finally succeed at your health and body image goals.

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64-Year-Old Doctor Cures Himself of Type 2 Diabetes | Dr. Paul Marik

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common ailments in our society. More than one in every 10 adults has type 2 diabetes, almost 30% of people over 65 have diabetes, and it’s even becoming common in children. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor will tell you that you will need to take insulin for the rest of your life.

Your doctor is wrong.

My guest today is Dr. Paul Marik, the co-founder, chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance, based in Washington, D.C. Dr. Marik is an accomplished physician with expertise in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Pharmacology, Anesthesia, Nutrition, and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Dr. Marik was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in his early 40s and was put on medication to control his blood sugar. Until he discovered what medical colleges are not telling doctors, and what the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know.

Recently, Paul changed his diet and eating habits. Today, he is on zero medications and his blood sugar levels are returning to normal. At the age of 64, after more than 20 years as a diabetic.

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Our Death Cult of a Country | Nicole Scheidl

Canada leads the world in medical assistance in dying. In 2021, the most recent year for which we have figures, over 10,000 people in Canada received MAiD. That’s more than any other country in the world. For comparison, the state of California, with assisted suicide laws and a population very close to ours, killed just over 400 in the same year.

And it gets worse. In March of this year, it will likely become law that people who are suffering from mental illness, even just clinical depression, can qualify for MAiD. There are doctors and clinics in our country where assisted suicide is their entire practice, and people visiting food banks are now asking about MAiD as a way out of being poor.

Nicole Scheidl is the Executive Director of Physicians for Life, an organization dedicated to education and awareness of what one twitter user called ‘our death cult of a country’.

Nicole joins us today to discuss the problems facing our society in regards to suicide and serious concerns about the fact that our government is now proposing that MAiD be made available to what they call ‘mature minors’, children as young as fourteen. And likely without the consent or involvement of their parents.

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