Medical Tyranny Returns to Canada: Bill C-293 |
Lisa Miron

From 2020 right up until now in some provinces, Canadians across our country have been subjected to gross violations of our Charter rights, under the justification of reducing the effect of a supposed pandemic.

Businesses were shut down. People lost their jobs. Those who could not wear masks were treated as social pariahs. Many of us could not board an airplane in our own country. Bank accounts were frozen, and millions of Canadians were told to take an experimental injection or lose their jobs.

And our government is planning to do it again. All of that and more.

Bill C-293, which will bring in the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, has already passed the House and its first reading before the Senate. On Monday, September 16th, just over a week from now, the Senate will reconvene and if we do not object, loudly and in great numbers, this draconian legislation will likely pass before the end of this year.

The Act will not only subject us to further lockdowns and violations of our rights to freedom of movement, but censorship, surveillance and possibly even forced injections.

Lisa Miron is an Ontario lawyer who has been raising awareness on Bill C-293, and she joins me today to spell out the many threats to our rights and freedoms outlined in this document. Rights and freedoms that we will surely lose if we do not take action and stop the passing of this Bill.


Petition to stop Bill C-293:

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Past Interviews

(Note that full Member Exclusive interviews will not be displayed, however free excerpts are.)

The Corruption of Canadian Courts: Denis Rancourt

Due to the resounding silence from mainstream media, many people believe that the thousands of covid mandate related cases in our courts have been resolved. This is not the case. Our courts continue to rule against the rights of Canadians.

In one particularly egregious recent case in Ontario, a judge ruled in favor of a mother to decide not to inject her kids. As part of this decision Justice Pazaratz ruled that the science of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was definitely not settled, all government claims to the contrary.

But then, the Ontario Court of Appeals not only overturned that very fair minded and just decision, but essentially sentenced two children to endless vaccine injections by awarding decision making authority to the father. A man who had presented no scientific evidence whatsoever and whose entire case appeared to have been built on character assassination of the children’s mother.

Denis Rancourt is not a lawyer. He’s a scientist. In my previous interview with Denis he showed from All Cause Mortality data from around the world that Covid did not result in any extra deaths. That in fact any extra deaths were the result of disastrous government actions.

But Denis also has more than 15 years experience in our courts. And he’s an exceptional researcher. He has written several papers doing what legal scholars should be doing, but aren’t. Finding the legal inconsistencies and biased decisions in our courts.

In this interview, Denis’s research shows that our courts have been captured. That they are working, not for the people, but for our government.


Denis’ Website

Ontario Appeals Court Case

Ontario Civil Liberties Association

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Why CBDCs Won’t Work: Brett Oland, CEO, BVCU

Currently the globalists and cooperating governments around the world are working to implement systems that will allow them total control over your money and your privacy. Specifically through CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies and through Open Banking.

But what if they can’t make it work?

Despite all the mainstream media coverage and government propaganda, there are very knowledgeable people who believe that they can’t. That the CBDC agenda simply cannot be implemented.

Brett Oland is the CEO of Bow Valley Credit Union in Alberta. BVCU, under Brett’s leadership, is taking steps to not only resist government and globalist control, but to protect their clients from the repercussions should they succeed.

In this interview, Brett clearly explains CBDCs and why he believes they simply won’t work. He also discusses the threat to your privacy represented by open banking. If you are using an accounting app that ties directly to your bank account, the government and corporations already have fine-grained access to your financial transactions.

If you are concerned about CBDCs and your financial privacy and security, this interview is essential viewing.

Bow Valley Credit Union

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No Political Parties: Peter Mac Isaac

A few weeks ago I had as a guest on my show Peter Mac Isaac who revealed the truth behind the government corruption and incompetence that is feeding the wildfires across Canada. But in my discussions with Peter I discovered we share a conviction, one which we believe could transform politics in Canada and, as a case study, it’s already been successfully implemented in Nunavut. It’s called consensus government, a form of government in which all MLAs are independent and there is no party system. No party system means that blocks of votes cannot be controlled by a single party or alliance of parties such as the one between the federal liberals and the NDP. It also means that elected representatives work for their constituents without threat of being expelled by their party if they don’t vote as directed.

Peter is working toward finding independent candidates for every riding in his home province of Nova Scotia and, after only a few weeks, has gathered 20% of the needed candidates. The election is still 18 months away and he’s confident to have a full roster by then. His plan is realistic; not a plan to form a full consensus government in Nova Scotia, at least not yet. Just to get enough independent MLAs elected that there will be a minority government, and where nothing will get done without the consent of the independent representatives who are working not for political party but in the interest of the people who elected them.

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Unsporting: ‘Trans’ Men in Women’s Sports: Linda Blade

Women’s sport is under attack by the woke left. Men in women’s locker rooms. Men who ‘identify’ as women playing in women’s sports. Boys playing on girl’s teams.

Linda Blade is the founder of the ICFS, the International Consortium on Female Sports, and she’s right here in Canada, one of the world’s most heavily affected countries. Linda was a competitive track and field athlete and coach and has a Doctorate in Kinesiology. She is also the co-author of the best selling book Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport.

In this interview, Linda reveals how widespread the practice of allowing biological men to undermine women’s sport has become, and the fact that the agenda goes back much farther than most of us realize. She provides facts and statistics to demonstrate how unsporting it is to allow men to compete against women. And she makes the very valid point that it is the woke left who accuse the right of being misogynistic, who are in fact practicing what Linda refers to as ‘progressive misogyny’ by excluding biological women from being competitive in their own sports.


International Consortium on Female Sports

Policy Ideas

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The Tyranny of the Minority: Rhonda Jubenville & Michael Alexander

Freedom of speech in our country is becoming a thing of the past. Cancel culture is in full force, seeking to silence anyone who raises, not just dissenting opinions, but increasingly, anyone who refuses to actively promote the causes of the radical left.

I recently became aware of a case in Ontario of a city councillor who merely suggested that, as the city could not honor all the special interest groups with their own flag, flags should be restricted only to those which truly represent all constituents, those beings specifically the Canadian flag, the Ontario flag, and the flag of her municipality, Chatham-Kent.

For this, Councillor Rhonda Jubenvillle was threatened on social media, and under the authority of the Ford government appointed Integrity Commissioner, sentenced to docking of three months pay – the maximum penalty the Commissioner can impose.

Rhonda is being represented by Michael Alexander, the same lawyer who has been defending Drs. Trozzi, Luchkiw and Phillips against the criminal actions of the CPSO.

In this interview, Rhonda gives us the full story, a story so shocking an example of cancel culture it left me speechless. Michael also describes how the actions of the commissioner and the council were in fact illegal.

But none of that matters, as we as Canadians, now live in country that is controlled by the tyranny of the minority.

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Drugs That Are Killing You: Dr. Richard Amerling

The events of the last three years have awakened many to the truth that big pharma does not have our best interests at heart. That their business model seeks only to create new lifetime consumers for their products.

But toxic pharma has been around for much longer than that. For decades now unwitting doctors have been prescribing drugs for common conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and mental disorders at an ever-increasing rate. Drugs where there are no conclusive studies to show benefits, while many studies reveal the harms caused. Harms which include permanent organ damage and death.

Dr. Richard Amerling has taught as a professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and St. George’s University. He served recently as Associate Medical Director at America’s Frontline Doctors, and is currently the Principal Academic Officer at The Wellness Company.

He is the author or co-author of over 70 peer reviewed papers, and was the American Kidney Fund Nephrologist of the Year in 2015.

I was recently introduced to Dr. Amerling by our mutual friend, Dr. Mark Trozzi. Richard first discovered the harms of toxic pharmaceuticals in his work as a kidney specialist. Since then, he has educated himself on a wide range of drugs that do far more harm than good, if they do any good at all.

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Canada’s First Climate Lockdown: Peter Mac Isaac

There has been an increase in forest fires this year. In some cases, such as on Vancouver Island, a dramatic increase. Mainstream media, the government, and the climate alarmist would have us believe this is due to global warming. But there are problems with their story. Clear evidence of arson in many cases, the convenient timing of fires and Quebec blowing smoke into New York State just three weeks before new climate tax was passed by our government, fires in BC that are being allowed to burn while firefighters sit idle and police prevent residents from saving their own homes.

Peter Mac Isaac served for many years as a forest warden and fire investigator. He’s a survival expert who hosted his own hunting and fishing show for three years on the sportsman channel.

And just a few weeks ago, it was Peter who posted a satellite surveillance video showing over a dozen fires over a wide area in Quebec, all starting at exactly the same time. That video went viral and has received millions of views.

In this interview, Peter debunks the climate alarmism narrative as a cause of the fires and reveals the corruption and incompetence in our government that shows the truth. They want these fires to burn to advance their alarmist agenda.

Why are Canada’s Forests Burning

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Tried Twice for the Same ‘Hate Crime’: Bill Whatcott

In my interviews, I seldom talk much about my own opinions. This is because the interview is not about what I think, but about what my guest thinks. Today, however, I believe it necessary that I discuss briefly my own view of the subject.

My guest today is a committed Christian, whose faith is the driving force behind his actions. I, myself, am not a Christian, I call myself a respectful atheist. This means that I respect the faith of others without sharing that faith. I tell you this, because if I don’t, you might think that this interview is intended as a defense of the Christian faith. In fact, this interview is intended to highlight the attack in our country, upon freedom of religion, and through that, upon freedom of speech, an attack that has been growing not just over the past few years, but for decades.

Bill Whatcott, over the past 25 years, has been arrested almost 30 times, fined tens of thousands of dollars, and spent six months in prison. All for peacefully protesting abortion, and gay pride events where grown men display their genitalia in front of children. In 2016, Bill was charged with inciting hate, for handing out what were largely informational brochures at a gay pride event. He was acquitted. But now he’s being charged and will face trial again, for exactly the same alleged hate crime. As far as I can tell, for no other reason, but that those behind the LGBT narrative want him punished for disagreeing with their views.

Whether you yourself are a person of faith or not, it is vital to understand that our Charter rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech are inextricably linked. The left is trying very hard to silence Bill by denying him the right to peacefully state the tenets of his Christian faith. If they succeed, it will not be long before the rest of us, Christian, Muslim, atheist, will be forbidden by law to voice our objection to the leftist narrative and to the damage it is doing to our children.


Ontario Court of Appeal orders Bill Whatcott to go on trial again for Gospel flyer delivered at Toronto Homosexual Parade 7 years ago

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Protecting Small Business: Benoit Trudeau

Covid lockdowns put tens of thousands of small and medium sized businesses, or SME’s, out of business and their employees out of work, while large stores like Walmart and grocery store chains remained open.

This happened, in part, because large corporations have billions to spend on lobbyists to represent their interests with our governments.

But what if there was a lobby group that represented SME’s?

Benoit Trudeau is an experienced lobbyist who used to work for those big corporations. He has a deep understanding of government and lobbying, but now he’s founded the very first lobbying group in Canada, and perhaps, even the world, to lobby for small and medium sized businesses.

Alberta Free is already at work, representing the energy and cattle industries in Alberta to work towards Ben’s vision of creating a self-sustaining province that will provide independence and autonomy from globalist interference and federal government control.

In this interview Ben provides a practical guide for people in other provinces to do the same.

How does someone become a lobbyist? How does lobbying really work? And most importantly, how do you assemble coalitions of SME’s large enough that the government will take notice, and make changes favorable to those businesses.

This interview may prove to be one of the most important I have ever done. It is nothing less than the manual for the people of Canada to protect themselves from the planned agenda of the globalists, an agenda that is being carried out with the willing cooperation of our federal government.

It is for this reason that this interview is being released in its entirety. Please watch it. Share it. And most importantly of all, if you are in a position to do so, take action.


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