I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.

We needed a steady source of funding. Iron Will Report was established in the spring of 2022 to give those seeking truth in media and honest government something of value in return for supporting our ongoing efforts.

When you become a subscriber at Iron Will Report, you get the truth that mainstream media won't report, and that our government doesn't want you to hear, and you support our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

Visit StrongAndFreeCanada.org here or Subscribe to IronWillReport.com using the button on this page.


With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

Canada’s Health Dictatorship: What Trudeau Tried to Hide |
Shawn Buckley

Trudeau’s government has been conducting a relentless campaign to destroy the natural health products industry in Canada, and to protect and increase Big Pharma profits.

The latest Liberal skullduggery took place under our noses and the vast majority of us didn’t even notice.

Buried in this year’s budget act, Bill C-69, which was passed into law in June, were a half dozen clauses that amend the Health Act.

Clauses that protect the interests of Big Pharma, protect our elected officials against liability for pushing harmful pharmaceuticals on the public, remove what remaining protections we had against dangerous drugs, and taken in concert with Bill C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act that may very well pass this fall, hand absolute authority for health decisions in Canada to the WHO.

In fact these changes to the Health Act protect everyone, except us.

Shawn Buckley is a lawyer and the founder of the NHPPA, the Natural Health Products Protection Agency and he’s been fighting government drug tyranny for decades.

I have heard many shocking things from guests in the now over 400 interviews I have done, but the amendments to the health act that Shawn will detail in this interview go beyond them all.



The Charter of Health Freedom

Check out the short 4:22 minute video link below from NHPPA, Shawn Buckley. Also be sure to pass it along far and wide… United We Must All Stand..!

Natural Health Product Protection Association

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