Dear Friends,

I received a short notice text from one of my Freedom protester friends that Prime Minister Blackface was going to be in Alliston ON this morning shovelling out more billions in taxpayer’s money to create “good paying green jobs” and fight the never ending and largely fictitious “climate emergency.”

To my left is Shelby Sheep wearing a face diaper, as so many Canadians did; indeed Canadians continued dutifully wearing their face diapers, even long after it became clear they did nothing to stop the spread of airborne viruses.

Behind me is the Alliston Honda Plant where Trudeau was this morning announcing $ 5 billion in government handouts to bribe Honda to build its battery plant and hopefully create 1000 jobs in the Alliston area.

I am not sure if Trudeau saw us or not. Lots of police vehicles and black SUV’s (all internal combustion engines) drove by us. The security presence around Trudeau is larger by multitudes than any other Prime Minister in Canada’s history.

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Iron Will

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