
[VIDEO RELEASE] “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” – FEDERALLY FUNDED FRAUD

By Roli / July 10, 2024 /

Scientific fraud was used to FLIP reality in order to push government mandates & restrictions. When shown irrefutable proof, the Establishment doubled-down on the LIES, laying the foundation for future abuses.

This short video montage lays it all out.

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Unvaccinated police officers in Australia fired two years after end of COVID mandates

By Shawna / July 3, 2024 /

A total of 17 officers and staff of the West Australia Police Force have been dismissed for not taking the COVID vaccine, despite the mandate being rescinded in June of 2022.

Falconer and Finlay had initially managed to obtain an injunction against the mandate, which effectively stopped the police force from firing them and other unvaccinated staff until the issue had been resolved by the courts. Interestingly, the court’s ruling against them comes despite the fact that the mandate was rescinded by the force in June of 2022, reported The Daily Declaration.

Following the April ruling, the WA Police declared that it was going to resume disciplinary action against 17 affected employees immediately despite the mandate no longer being in force, firing 12 police officers and five staff who did not get the experimental COVID shots.

On June 28, Falconer was the last to be formally informed of his firing for refusing to get the COVID shots once required by the commissioner. Falconer was concerned about the safety and efficacy of the injections, which have been linked to numerous side effects.

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Pakistan Sentences Christian to Death for ‘Blasphemous’ TikTok Post

By Valerie / July 2, 2024 /

Pakistan’s anti-terrorism court has sentenced young Christian Ehsan Shan to death for allegedly reposting a blasphemous image of a desecrated Quran on social media.

Shan was accused of sharing “blasphemous content” on the social media site TikTok, which was considered to be a provocation of the anti-Christian mob violence that took place in Jaranwala in August 2023.

On that occasion, following accusations of desecration of the Quran, a mob of some 10,000 Muslim militants went on a rampage, destroying and burning as many as 500 Christian homes and about 26 churches in the Christian quarter of the city of Punjab.

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A Palestinian was shot, beaten and tied to an Israeli army jeep. The army says he posed no threat

By Roli / June 28, 2024 /

JENIN, West Bank (AP) — When Mujahid Abadi stepped outside to see if Israeli forces had entered his uncle’s neighborhood, he was shot in the arm and the foot. That was only the start of his ordeal. Hours later, beaten and bloodied, he found himself strapped to the searing hood of an Israeli military jeep driving down a road.

The army initially said Abadi was a suspected militant, but later acknowledged he had not posed a threat to Israeli forces and was caught in crossfire with militants.

Video showing the 24-year-old strapped to the jeep circulated on social media, sparking widespread condemnation, including from the United States. Many said it showed that Israeli soldiers were using him as a human shield — a charge Israel has frequently leveled at Hamas as it battles the group in Gaza.

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The Julian Assange Case: How Centralized Power Wins Out Over ‘Guaranteed’ Rights

By Roli / June 28, 2024 /

After twelve years of confinement, Julian Assange now stands on the verge of freedom after agreeing to a guilty plea in exchange for his release.

While this news offers cause for celebration, his persecution provides a solemn reminder of how the powerful will usurp our rights to advance their interests.

Western governments, led by the U.S. Security State, abrogated the pillars of our justice system to punish Assange for exposing their crimes. Even the guilty plea reflects their brazen censorship.

Assange will plead guilty to “conspiracy to disseminate national defense information.”

Without the dissemination of classified information, journalism would officially become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the American Intelligence Community.

Assange’s plea could just as readily describe Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, long hailed as a North Star of American journalism.

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The Gaza Project: Investigation Details “Unprecedented” Israeli Targeting of Palestinian Journalists

By Roli / June 27, 2024 /

Gaza is the deadliest place on Earth for journalists ever recorded. As many as 140 journalists and media workers have been killed there since October, a figure that the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate says represents 10% of the journalists in Gaza. The Gaza Project, a new collaborative investigation from the nonprofit group Forbidden Stories, finds that at least 40 were killed while in their homes, at least 14 were wearing press vests when they were attacked by the Israeli army, and at least 18 were killed, injured or allegedly targeted by drones. Hoda Osman, a journalist and executive editor of Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, who worked on the investigation, shares some of the findings, including the targeting of Agence France-Presse’s Gaza bureau and the killing of journalist Bilal Jadallah, the founder of landmark Gaza-based media organization Press House-Palestine. The scale of these deaths is “unprecedented,” and not a “natural result” of wartime conflict, emphasizes Osman. “It should be a crisis for journalists worldwide.”

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“15 minutes with Dr.Makis” – Episode 023

By Roli / June 26, 2024 /

Alberta politicians defend Pedophiles & Child Sex Abusers! Massive SCANDAL brewing in Alberta!

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Tucker Carlson Exposes ‘Monstrous’ Injustice in Julian Assange Case

By Roli / June 26, 2024 /

“Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing,” Tucker Carlson said to a packed audience in Canberra, Australia.

Carlson didn’t hold back, calling it “monstrous” that Assange spent twelve years locked away for exposing other people’s crimes.

“Typically, the guy who discovers the crime doesn’t go to jail. It’s the guy who commits the crime that goes to jail, and that’s been inverted in his case.”

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Reports Document ‘Jew Hate’

By Valerie / June 25, 2024 /

The Commons justice committee has published 78 petitions and reports documenting vulgar anti-Semitism from universities to elementary schools. It follows testimony from witnesses who said campuses now lead the nation in “Jew hate.”

“We have seen an alarming surge in reportable anti-Semitic incidents the volume of which is so high our office does not have the manpower to keep up with the calls, emails and text messages,” the Jewish Federation of Edmonton wrote MPs.

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Jordan Peterson commenting on Tommy Robinson

By Valerie / June 25, 2024 /

Wake up Canadians 🇨🇦
The police are now being used directly as political agents of the state

I don’t know who ordered this but it’s not acceptable

You idiot lefties might be pleased about this in this situation

But don’t be thinking that once established this won’t be used against you

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