Will's Picks

A curated list of Will's 'must watch' interviews.

Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 3

In parts one and two of this three part series on protecting your wealth, our panel of financial experts have shown you the indisputable warning signs that we are on the verge of the largest economic collapse in modern history.

But all of that would do you little good if they didn’t also tell you what to do about it.

Adrian Spitters is an author, holistic wealth advisor, and president of Performance Financial Consultants. Adrian accurately predicted the dot com crash and the 2008 housing and stock market bubbles and protected his clients from them. Bryce Wade is a marketing and business consultant who focuses on the big picture, following world news and economic developments. Warren Keane is Vice President of Sales for New World Precious Metals, a Canadian company that offers wholesale prices and consulting on investing in precious metals.

In this, part three of three, Adrian, Bryce and Warren explain why you must get out of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and residential real estate, and where to invest your money to see it grow while everything else is crashing. And this advice is not just for the wealthy. If you own a home or have a retirement savings plan, there are options that you can access to protect that wealth and come out the other end of the financial storm with your wealth, your family and your freedom intact.


New World Precious Metals


Contact Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant:

Email Adrian
Phone: 604•613•1693
Web: Adrian Spitters

Here is a link to Adrian’s brochure that explains his wealth advisory business in more detail. He works with a team of advisors to deliver holistic wealth advisory services. He is probably one of only a few advisors who can provide Holistic wealth advisory services that are also awake to the globalist agenda. https://mcusercontent.com/e4a56828a756703aeafda9017/files/3fe679d8-3866-6c47-612c-094abaa33e01/Do_You_Have_a_Wealth_Advisory_Team.pdf

For anyone interested in downloading a free copy of Adrian’s book “Who’s Investing Your Money,” here is a link to the brochure https://mcusercontent.com/e4a56828a756703aeafda9017/files/af8ff2bc-1972-383b-6271-1f658640718e/How_Has_Your_Investment_Done_Latley.pdf

Who’s Investing Your Money? is available as a free PDF download at www.whosinvestingyourmoney.com or for purchase on Amazon.ca as a paperback or Kindle at www.AdriansAmazonBooks.com

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Beyond ‘Died Suddenly’ | John O’Looney and Richard Hirschman

The recent documentary, Died Suddenly, produced by Stew Peters, gave an overview of the globalist depopulation agenda via the so-called covid vaccines. Among others, the documentary featured two of the original whistle blowers on the vaccine harms.

John O’Looney, from Great Britain, was the first undertaker to raise the alarm on the huge increase in deaths following the vaccine rollout, deaths that were happening not to elderly and vulnerable people, but to young people who had no pre-existing conditions. Richard Hirschman, from the U.S. provided the first images of the massive blockages that were being removed from the bodies of the injected.

In this interview, they present their full stories, from when they first knew something was seriously amiss, to present day and their very grave concerns for our future. Along the way, they discuss the timeline, the links between the release of the shots and the sudden and dramatic increase in deaths from unknown causes, the shocking increase in miscarriages and how they are being covered up, and how grieving families are being hoodwinked into believing that the shots had nothing to do with the sudden deaths of otherwise healthy young people.

Are the shots merely medical malpractice amplified by government incompetence, or are they state sponsored mass murder?

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The Multi-Vaxxed: Variant Factories | Dr. Robert Malone

“My mission is to stop the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, and the vaccine mandates, to identify and teach about lifesaving treatments for COVID-19 and other pandemics. My goal is to save lives.” – Dr. Robert Malone

  • What is the difference between the platform Dr. Malone invented and the c-19 injections?
  • Why are the multi-vaxxed flooding the hospitals?
  • What would have happened if we had treated covid like any other coronavirus?
  • What can be done to stop this global fiasco?

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What Really Killed Millions?: Denis Rancourt

The government and media have been telling us since the start of the plandemic that millions have died from Covid. But the All-Cause Mortality figures from around the world tell a different story. Professor Denis Rancourt is an expert in All-Cause Mortality data analysis. In this in-depth interview he shows the proof that if governments around the world had not announced a ‘pandemic’ and then taken disastrous actions, no extra people would have died.

  • What did cause an additional 1.3 million deaths in the U.S. alone?
  • Why did so few extra people die in Canada?
  • Is the Canadian government altering mortality data?
  • How have the vaccine injections affected extra deaths?

LINK: DenisRancourt.ca

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Cancel Culture and Doing the Right Thing | Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Join us as we discover Andrew Wakefield’s side of the story:

  • How did his medical and academic colleagues react to his studies in 1995?
  • What was the reaction of the budding “cancel culture”?
  • What about the data correlating age-specific risk to MMR shots and autism?
  • What did a famous celebrity say about the documentary Vaxxed?
  • Why would a fraud initiate an expensive defamation lawsuit?
  • Has his perception of the US as a freer country than Britain changed?
  • What is his advice to other doctors who are being attacked by the cancel culture today?


1986: The Act

Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe

Vaxxed on DVD

Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth

Vaxxed II on DVD


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