Journalist and ‘WPATH Files’ author Mia Hughes and ‘Billboard’ Chris Elston discuss the damning impact leaked conversations from clinicians aligned with the World Professional Association of Transgender Health may have on the controversial ‘affirmative care’ industry.

On March 4, Environmental Progress published over 70 pages of leaked conversations between clinicians who are members of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), the organization which supposedly sets out the highest standard of care for people who identify as transsexual, transgender and gender-nonconforming, including minors.

Instead of uncovering a ‘gold standard’ of care from the organization for which health professionals, social institutions — and even the judicial system in some cases — look to as some sort of authority on gender medicine, the hundreds of leaked conversations expose how WPATH consists of many activist clinicians who may be pushing experimental medical transitioning practices without the fully-informed consent of parents, children and vulnerable adults.

In today’s report, I bring you a sit-down interview with journalist Mia Hughes. She’s the author of an analytical report called The WPATH Files, which accompanied the leaked discussions published by Environmental Progress.

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Iron Will

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