The psychologist says the country’s decline in births is not due to rising housing prices as a recent editorial suggests.

(LifeSiteNews) — Canada’s most prominent anti-woke psychologist Jordan Peterson says the reason for the country’s low birth rates is due to a society that has “demonized family and children” and not, as a recent media report suggests, because of high housing prices.

“Yeah No,” Peterson posted to X (formerly Twitter) yesterday in response to a recent National Post opinion piece titled “Canada’s birth rate has dropped off a cliff (and it’s likely because nobody can afford housing).”

Peterson said the low birth rate in Canada is a result of a society that has demonized fatherhood and motherhood as an alternative to “idiot careerism” for 60 years.

Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, mainly due to excessive COVID money printing, inflation has skyrocketed.

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Iron Will

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