Yesterday I provided examples of how the establishment, which can only lie, is trying to narrative manage the no longer deniable evidence that the Covid vax is deadly and harmful to health.

One of the narrative management tricks is to admit the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but to sweep them under the rug as “rare.”

If the dangers of the “vaccine” were rare, Big Pharma would not have its shills at work trying to discredit or dismantle the vaccine adverse events reporting system.

That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from the report by a US Navy medic that Department of Defense data show that US Navy pilots have suffered a:

937% increase in heart failure
152% increase in cardiomyopathy
69% increase in ischemic heart disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
63% increase in other forms of heart disease

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Iron Will

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