“…And the types of cancer that are emerging now are much more aggressive and faster than anything we’ve observed in these 48 years. This was unprecedented; it’s something entirely new…”

[Dear Readers: As usual, the full subtitled clip is below, with short highlights above.]

In an episode aired on 11th March 2024, on the program Kolloquium on wikisana.ch [SOURCE], Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a seasoned physician with 48 years of experience, shared his observations on the alarming rise in cancer cases. His insights offer a critical reflection on the current trends in health and disease management.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, started his journey in medicine and psychology in Freiburg, Germany, where he also earned his PhD with a study on how our body’s internal nervous system interacts with autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Klinghardt described the increase in cancer cases as the “hockey stick phenomenon,” a term that paints a vivid picture of the situation. Just like the shape of a hockey stick, cancer cases have been slowly rising over decades, only to see a dramatic and sudden spike in the last one and a half years. This sharp increase in cases is unprecedented and very similar to the trend of cancer drug sales that I am seeing from my industry sources.

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Iron Will

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