The watchdog group Empower Oversight has released new documents related to the ongoing controversy over US taxpayer-funded research for ‘gain of function’ studies at the Wuhan, China lab that many experts believe was the source of Covid-19.

According to Empower Oversight, the National Institutes of Health “resisted transparency and delayed releasing document on the research, the subsequent spread of the disease, the role of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and failures to properly oversee EcoHealth Alliance.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci led NIAID at the time. EcoHealth Alliance is a controversial nonprofit that received large amounts of US government funding and partnered in controversial bat coronavirus research with a goal of developing a vaccine to use if Covid ever jumped from bats to people.

Fauci seemed to work diligently to make the public believe the idea of a “lab leak” was not very credible. Instead, he argued, it was likely that Covid jumped from bats to people through an unidentified natural route.

At the time, he didn’t disclose his own role in approving the controversial research and funding for it.

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