Elon Musk Is WRONG.. 5G & Cell Phone Radiation Will Destroy Humanity As We Know It asserts Jonas Westh who claims that we are in 5th Generation Warfare and says that “day and night we are bombarded by some of the most sophisticated bioweapons ever produced by mankind” these include Chemtrails, 5G, EMF. Fluoride, Pesticides, Glyphosate, Atrazine, Heavy metals…

Westh has spent the last few years researching exactly how we can protect ourselves against these warfare weapons and says that what he has learned has both been shocking and liberating.

Shocking because he has discovered the true extent of how all these toxic aspects impact upon our life, he says, but also liberating because he has discovered the true reason why “they go out of their way to bombard us with this stuff” and that reason is that, our true, unpolluted state is unstoppable. “When we are liberated from these things we reach a point in our body, mind and soul that cannot be controlled and turned into mindless slaves.”says Jonas.

We have high and stable energy levels instead of crashing and being reliant on coffee all throughout the day. We have better cognition and increased intellectual powers, instead of a head filled with brain fog and tiredness. We have a life that is completely disease free, instead of walking around in a half-slumbered stat and being reliant on toxic Pharma products.

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Iron Will

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