Dr Michael Yeadon had prepared a video recording for the event hosted by Andrew Bridgen in Parliament yesterday, However, there was said to be a technical error, but according to Dr Yeadon, there must have been two errors because they had received his recording several days before and confirmed that it was working” and “Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom” but a technical error prevented it from being seen. “It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed.” “Why didn’t they want me to speak?” he asks. Why indeed?

“This is my censored speech for us in Andrew Bridgen’s event.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon’s address to the Members of UK Parliament 4th December 2023
Hello. My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Probably know by now that I’m a career research scientist and biologist. I’ve worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. Famously, a former vice president at Pfizer, left in 2011 as vice president and worldwide head of Respiratory research.

I was responsible for everything from idea to clinical proof of concept. In the ten years after leaving Pfizer, I’ve worked as an independent. I consulted to 30 biotech companies.

I also founded Led and sold my own biotech Ziarco. And we were written up in a 2017 article in Forbes magazine. I think it was Converting Pfizer Discards into Gold, and it was written by a former Pfizer board member. So three years before this alleged event started, I was very well regarded in the industry.

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Iron Will

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