Relax for a few minutes, sit back and pretend morals and business ethics are redundant. Then imagine an infallible, risk-free business scheme in which you get to create the market, decide the product, manage its regulation, then have the power to confine people to their homes or remove their income until they submit to buying it. And no one can sue you or take you to court if it all goes wrong.

No legitimate government would allow that within its borders (except perhaps a few family-run or completely totalitarian ones), so aim higher and make this international, as it then ceases to be fantasy. All this is being negotiated within the WHO pandemic documents to be agreed by your Government in two months’ time.

So, imagine:

Your organisation will be a public-private partnership, so using taxpayer money but guided by the private sector.
You spin a story that a series of plagues are about to engulf humanity, exponentially increasing in frequency and severity (your partners control large swathes of the media, so don’t be troubled by reality).

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Iron Will

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