Your lymphatic system, integral to immune function and waste removal, significantly influences overall health, including physical, mental and emotional aspects
The “Big 6” routine developed by chiropractor Perry Nickelston involves stimulating six key lymphatic points to enhance blood flow, nerve response and the clearance of toxins. The “Big 6” lymphatic drainage points are: above and below the collarbone, jawline, chest, abdomen, hip area and back of the knees
A lymphatic drainage routine helps reduce swelling, facilitates detoxification, helps prevent disease by boosting immune function, and improves digestion and nutrient absorption
Understanding the lymphatic system’s unique pressure system is essential; drainage should start at low-pressure areas (above and below the collarbone) and move towards higher-pressure areas to prevent swelling, especially in extremities
Enhanced proprioception, resulting from a well-functioning lymphatic system, translates into a feeling of safety by allowing the brain to accurately sense joint positions and movements, thus reducing injury risk and boosting confidence and psychological well-being

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Iron Will

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