How We Save Canada |
Stockwell Day

The majority of Canadians today believe that our country has gone completely off the rails, and especially under Justin Trudeau’s government. Our debt has spiraled out of control while societal Marxism has captured our governments and mainstream media.

Medical Assistance in Dying, SOGI and the trans agenda, DEI hiring policies and the woke infection of our universities are cheapening the value of human life and undermining the family as the foundation of our society. Christianity is under attack while churches burn and people of faith are accused of being homophobic and racist. Mainstream media is the mouthpiece of our corrupt government while Trudeau and his allies pass bills to silence any dissent, primarily from independent media.

Canada is not the country it once was, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be saved.

Stockwell Day served as leader of the opposition in his position as the head of the Alliance Party from Sept 2000 to December 2001. Despite his short tenure in that position, Mr. Day has extensive experience in politics, having served as Alberta’s Minister of Finance, Minister of Social Services and Minister of Labour and he has some very clear ideas on how we can save our country.

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Past Interviews

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Canadians Needs to Wake the Woke Up! | Brad Salzberg

Brad Salzberg is a self-described social conservative blogger who consistently works toward exposing the dangers of the ‘woke globalist’ agenda in Canada. Brad diligently publishes his own written work on his Substack account entitled ‘Cultural Action Party of Canada’. Brad shares his long-contemplated viewpoints of where Canada has fallen, from if our political leaders remain in power to where it is headed based on our current trajectory.

On how it’s the Minority that Rules, not the Majority…

At present, I do not believe Canada is a democracy or is an authentic or functioning democracy. I don’t believe it, nor do I believe the liberals are ever going to lose another election. It really is a dictatorship. The media hide these things. That’s their job. They’re paid to do it, democracy in Canada is in its final stages and it is going to disappear… another element that’s not recognized; the essence of democracy, which is the will of the majority has dissipated entirely. Now it’s the will of the minority, the smallest minority of which the best example has to be transgender, who might make up 1% of our entire population…yet their human rights activism permeates our entire society.

On the Dichotomy that is Canada …

There are two kinds of people, those who accept at face value, what goes on within a society and those who question it, or don’t quite trust it or see a certain agenda within the progression of society. Personally, I fall into the latter. I think there is a calculated agenda. There really isn’t much that’s random about it. It’s preconceived and acted out over a period of time.

On the Evidence of Systemic Racism in Canada…

What we have…is a calculated accomplishment. There’s an irony in the situation where Justin Trudeau, for example, was maybe the number one person to institute systemic racism, as opposed to just generic racism. Thereby putting racism on steroids, making it a much more powerful message and suggesting that it is endemic within our entire society on an institutional basis. What is ironic about this is that very thing is being done to anglophone white Canadians. And this is the methodology that Trudeau and the Liberals and media use. Accuse the other of what you yourself indulge in.


Brad’s Substack Newsletter

Cultural Action Party of Canada

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The New Abnormal: Genetically Modified Humans | Dr. Robert Verkerk

Dr. Robert Verkerk is the author of numerous papers and an accomplished speaker involved in many initiatives the world over. As a scientist he has long been at the forefront in opposition to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Rob shares his evidence-based research of GMOs and the mRNA technology being promoted under the guise of ‘safe & effective’ vaccines. Rob explains the potential for transhumanism and the long-term effects of this technology on the evolution of humanity.

On the lens of South Africa…

You will have seen, South Africa, the most developed nation in Sub-Saharan Africa, is now becoming a springboard for mRNA technology. What we need to do to look after our health is pretty much down to what we choose to do in each 24-hour cycle and over weeks and months and years if we get that right we often have good health outcomes. What’s been happening is we essentially relinquish this sovereignty and hand it over to the medical establishment. We used to hand it over to our primary physician. Now we hand it over to institutions and increasingly these institutions hand it to a panel of essentially inter governmental organizations that have got a plan for us. They tell us it’s all for our good. What’s been happening in South Africa is a lens of what’s happening everywhere else. It is about buying into the plan because if they don’t buy into the plan….

On the Hypothesis of the Globalists’ Plan…

I think there are many reasons why vaccines are a useful delivery system. People will become very fearful over an existential threat that can impact their health. So, if you manufacture through behavioral control systems, a sense of fear of death, which was done very well in the industrialized world, particularly where people are not very resilient. They become very susceptible to that as a way of protecting themselves. We’ve got to remember with any control system, you’ve got to have an incentive. It’s like a carrot or a stick that gets people engaged with it so they had both. The stick was you’re gonna get really sick or you’re going to die. The carrot is you’ll be able to play in society in a more normal way. The problem is that the carrot didn’t work so well, people became disillusioned.

On Theory Versus Real World…

The rate of incidents based on the testing that’s being done you’ll see that right now the level of cases that much of the world is exposed to is far higher than it’s ever been and yet we don’t have much of a covid problem. When you look at hospitalizations, a lot of the deaths we see are just deaths that are associated with covid. From all the evidence we can see from clinicians on the ground, we would suggest a far bigger problem right now in relation to illness is related to jab related harms. Because there’s a relatively small group of clinicians around the world who are prepared to get their heads around the fact this thing is real, they have a disproportionate workload. They are having to deal with all the people who can’t see their regular physician, their regular physician has put their head under the carpet.


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