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With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

Everything We KNOW About the Trump Shooting |
A Full FREE Special Report

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Details on the Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks
  • The Timeline of the Shooting
  • The Victims and Their Current Condition
  • Did Thomas Crooks Act Alone?
  • Why Did Crooks Do It?
  • The Secret Service and Police Response Analyzed
  • The Republican National Convention
  • The Political Aftermath
  • The Canadian Reaction
  • The Leftist Reaction
  • Suspicious Activity in Joe Biden’s Campaign
  • Will’s Theory on Why Crooks Tried to Kill Trump
  • A Major Legal Win for Donald Trump


  1. Jonathan E Dixon on July 22, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    I am not convinced that Crooks shot at Trump. I strongly suspect that the assassination attempt was an extremely detailed plan that was carried out by the deep state. I also believe that Crooks was probably set up to be the patsy. He might have been deceived and thought that he was there to protect Trump from an attack by one of the people nearby on stage.
    According to Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics, when Richard Nixon resigned from office, he qualified for Secret Service protection, but he didn’t want their services. Instead he hired a private security firm to protect him, thus implying that he did not trust the Secret Service. I suspect that pockets of the Secret Service were part of the assassination attempt.
    From my limited viewpoint, there are too many unexplained events, so this suggests to me that it was a carefully designed plot by the deep state that was unsuccessful. I think the deep state will likely try again.

  2. Roger Foster on July 20, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    nothing just happens, its an inside job, fake secret service that day, the media who barely covers Trumps events were there in full force & I don’t think there has been a US presidential assassination or attempt the CIA has not been behind.

    now is the season for false flag operations so I would not be surprised if they had some nut job, off Biden & have media blame it on some Trump supporter.

    remember nothing “Just Happens”

  3. Kerry on July 20, 2024 at 12:41 pm


  4. Lillian on July 19, 2024 at 11:38 pm

    The evidence shows that he wasn’t alone. the failures of the secret service are so obvious. That nobody from Secret Service was on that roof. and the pathetic and unbelieveable excuse given by the head of secret service that the roof was sloped and therefore not safe for the secret service men to be up there. Obviously this is a lie, as there were men on other much more stoped roofs. The failure of the secret service and police to intercept, and stop this man hwo even civilians on the ground reported was up on the roof with a gun.
    How do you explain that? Also reports of the analysis of the sound of the bullets shows that these shots came from different places.
    This was not a lone crazy kid acting on his own. Your analysis does not include even obvious facts, that I can see myself.
    I hope that you get all the facts or at least alot more of them and correct this report. I am disappointed.

  5. Lillian on July 19, 2024 at 11:22 pm

    I do think that the comments made by the UBC professors are completely sickening. Although you claim they didn’t encourage people to kill Trump, I disagree with you. What they said was basically the same, and does encourage someone to kill Trump. It is sickening, and especially coming from a professor at UBC. Shameful.

    • Christine on July 20, 2024 at 12:54 am

      The professors at UBC are wicked and ghoulish.

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