In the year 1962 the American scientist Allan H. Frey carried out experiments with pulsed microwaves, which produced clicking, buzz, hissing or knocking sounds in the heads of people at a distance of up to several thousands yards. In his report, he also wrote that with the change of parameters he can produce pins and needles sensation or perception of severe buffeting in the head and claimed that this energy “could possibly be used as a tool to explore nervous system coding… and for stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by electrodes“ (see this).

In other words, Allan Frey was on the path to finding the way how to manipulate the human nervous system at distance. This was quickly understood by the U.S. Government. For the next two decades Frey, funded by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Army, was the most active researcher on the bioeffects of microwave radiation in the country. Frey caused rats to become docile by exposing them to radiation at an average power level of only 50 microwatts per square centimeter. He altered specific behaviors of rats at 8 microwatts per square centimeter. He altered the heart rate of live frogs at 3 microwatts per square centimeter. At only 0.6 microwatts per square centimeter, he caused isolated frogs’ hearts to stop beating by timing the microwave pulses at a precise point during the heart’s rhythm (see this and this).

In 1975, Allan Frey published his research on blood-brain barrier in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, where blood-brain barrier (protecting brain from poison entering it together with blood) of rats, illuminated by pulsed radiofrequency, allowed dye to penetrate into their brains. His findings were confirmed by 13 different laboratories in 6 countries and with the use of different animals.

In 2012, Allan H. Frey wrote an article where he described how the American Brooks Air Force falsified his experiment by selecting a contractor, who injected the dye into the intestines instead of into the blood, and in this way made sure that the dye will not appear in the brain. This was supposed to help the U.S. Air Force to obtain the aproval of people to build radars in their vicinity. According to Frey, the same Brooks Air Force Base later tried to “discredit unclassified research in the microwave area” in order to cover “a classified microwave-bio weapons program.”

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Iron Will

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