I recently posted a comment on Byram Bridle’s Substack explaining why the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) number of reports on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs) suddenly dropped on April 3rd, 2021 compared to March 25th, 2021. On April 3rd, 2021, the BC CDC started disseminating to the general public COVID-19 AEFIs whereas before that date, AEFIs were not discussed with the public.

From April 3rd, 2021, and onward, the BC CDC narrowed its definition of AEFIs and that’s what caused AEFI data disseminated to the general public to be significantly understated. I made that finding within 3 hours of digging into the 1300+ pages FOI request package that Byram was writing about. I posted my comment. My social media exploded immediately after that. I didn’t anticipate at all the public interest in this topic.

Since the public is interested, buckle up, I have more to say on AEFIs.

National Advisory Committee on Immunization

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Iron Will

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