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Weekly Counter Narrative News

IWR News for January 10th |
Zuckerberg’s Meta Backpedals on Censorship

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Censorship Reversal: Meta Embraces User-Driven Moderation Amid Supreme Court Petition
  • Trudeau Prorogues Parliament in Effort to Avoid Non-Confidence Vote
  • Fines and Frustration: Ottawa’s 2025 Idling Bylaw
  • Foreign Nationals Linked to Crime Surge
  • From 6th to 18th: UCLA Medical School Rankings Plummet Due to DEI Policies
  • Resurfaced ‘Death Panels’ Comments: Gates Faces Backlash Over Healthcare Ethics
  • Bird Flu Death Sparks Debate: Was It the Virus or Underlying Conditions?
  • H5N1: No Proof for Existence, Pathogenicity, or Pandemic Potential
  • Rising Influenza Cases Expose Minimal Impact of Flu Vaccine: Dr. McCullough
  • White House Blocked Evidence on COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory
  • Federal Ruling: Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water Pose IQ Risk to Children
  • Autism Rates Surge: Study Links Prenatal Drugs to Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Autonomous Car Chaos: Passenger Trapped as Waymo Taxi Malfunctions
  • Chinese Hackers Breach US Telecom: Trump’s Phone Data Amongst Exposed
  • Bell and Damon Pledge Funds for Medical Expenses

The Voice of the Counter Narrative

Our freedoms are under attack. Our government has turned against us while fearmongering and outright lies have become the stock in trade of today's mainstream media.

Iron Will brings you the truth, from experts, whistle-blowers and victims of government and medical tyranny through interviews, news reports, and satirical content, shining a light on the cockroaches and exposing the lies and fearmongering for what they are.

100% Viewer Funded

The Iron Will Report is entirely funded by your memberships. Iron Will does not and will not accept corporate sponsorships or government funding of any kind. This is your guarantee that Will is always working to bring you the unfiltered and unbiased truth.

Interviews & Special Reports

The Truth About Chinese Interference in Canada

The Truth About Chinese Interference in Canada |
Leon Lee

Chinese interference in Canadian politics. Hacking of Canadian databases by Chinese agents. Tiktok, a social media platform built by the Chinese government to brainwash our kids….

Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda

Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda |
Jason W

The trans agenda infecting our schools and brainwashing our children is largely based on SOGI, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,

UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword?

UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword? |
Glenn Bogue

Most of us view UNDRIP, the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a globalist plot to steal our lands and resources.

Everything You Know About Heart Disease and Diabetes is Wrong

Everything You Know About Heart Disease and Diabetes is Wrong |
Ivor Cummins

Diabetes. Heart Disease. Cholesterol. Your doctor will run blood tests, and frown over your results. Then they’ll put on you on medication to treat it.

Get the Whole  Truth


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The Voice of the Counter Narrative

The plandemic is being used as an excuse by global tyrants to steal our rights and freedoms, our youth are having their identities stolen through a planned program of gender confusion based upon transgenderism and the non-binary movement, critical race theory is being taught in our schools as a tool of division, our governments are owned or heavily influenced by foreign powers, the mainstream media is controlled by the enemy, and those who speak out against these tyrannies lose their jobs, their friends and their families.

Fear and ignorance are the pandemic. Truth is the cure.

When the people are armed with the truth, they stop being afraid, they get angry, and they fight back. Join the Iron Legion and help Iron Will and his team bring the truth to the people.

Veritas. Libertas. Justitia.

(Truth. Freedom. Justice.)

Who Is Iron Will?

Will Dove (Iron Will) considers himself an ordinary guy doing his best to fight tyranny in order to protect the health, well-being and freedoms of his fellow Canadians. Will is proud to be Canadian, but he believes in the will of the people, not the government.

A father of two and married to his best friend for 25 years, Will never expected to be either a political activist nor an independent journalist. Will had studied journalism when he was younger, had been a professional web developer for years, and had a list of other skills which lent themselves well to his fight for truth and freedom. He also had the benefit of a stable home life, having an excellent relationship with his very supportive wife and their adult children.

Will is enthusiastically libertarian and believes in absolute minimum government and maximum personal rights and responsibilities. Will conducts interviews with experts and whistle-blowers but those interviews state clearly that the views of the guests do not always reflect Will's views. Will supports capital punishment, micro government, and the abolition of the nanny state. Will believes that critical race theory and transgenderism are a conscious attack upon our youth, and that our educational and health care systems need a ground-up overhaul. And Will believes that most of what we hear from our government and mainstream media is either misleading or an outright lie, including Covid fearmongering, manmade global warming, overpopulation and a long list of other bunk not supported by real science in any way.

In short, Will would have fit in much better in the 1950s than today, but sometimes, you need your very own dinosaur.

Just a Handful of the Hundreds of Comments from Will's viewers