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With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)

The Crimes of Bill Gates: Killing Food Production in Africa |
Stacy Malkan

Bill Gates wants to be seen as a philanthropist, a saviour of mankind, and he spends a great deal of money on mainstream media companies to push that narrative. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Gates is the largest owner of farmland in America, and also has very large ownership of food manufacturing companies which annually produce millions of tons of toxic, manufactured foods that are destroying the health of North Americans.

But it’s not just here in North America. Through an organization called AGRA, the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa, the Gates-funded Alliance for Science, and other efforts, Bill Gates has had a disastrous impact on farming on the African continent, with repercussions for the health of the people and of the land itself. It is estimated that due to monoculture farming, 80% of African farmland is already degraded, in some cases to the point where it will no longer grow food at all, and certainly not the healthy crops that Africans need.

Stacy Malkin is an independent journalist with the US Right to Know organization. She has spent countless hours uncovering the truth about Bill Gates, and especially his efforts to own and control African agriculture as part of his global supply chain.

Bill Gates is not the person that he wants everyone to believe that he is.

Stacy’s article: Critiques of Gates Foundation’s agricultural interventions in Africa

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