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With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)
Suing Trudeau: For $34 Million Dollars
Eddie Cornell
In January of last year, Justice Richard Mosley ruled that the Trudeau government violated the law and our constitutional rights with the use of the Emergencies Act and the freezing of Canadians’ bank accounts during the Freedom Convoy in 2022.
Now a group of 20 Canadians who were victims of those actions have filed a lawsuit, not against the government, but against the individuals responsible.
This means, among others, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland who was at the time Minister of Finance and primarily responsible for the freezing of bank accounts, Marco Mendocino who was then Minister of Public Safety and the government official who actually invoked the Emergencies Act, and Steve Bell the interim Ottawa Chief of Police and quite a list of others.
In fact, the plaintiffs are suing these people for damages in the amount of $34 million dollars.
And if they win, it will set a precedent that could well guarantee that no future government will ever again violate our rights.
Eddie Cornell, one of the plaintiffs, served as the police liaison for the Convoy. Eddie is also a decorated member of our armed services and the co-founder of Veterans for Freedom. He joins me today to discuss the details of the case, and what it will mean for our us, and for the rights and freedoms of our children.
Help support the civil suit to sue Justin Trudeau for violating our rights: https://takeactioncanada.ca/justice
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It seems like the lawsuit should be for a lot more than $34 Million given all the harm that was done to the truckers. I think it should be for a heck of a lot more, these people are pure evil and thoroughly enjoyed doing everything in their power to hurt and destroy the truckers. May they rot in hell! If anybody votes or supports Freeland in her run for PM, they are surely just as evil as her. What a monster!!! And last I heard Trudeau is supposedly worth around $360M, a truly dishonest and disgusting SOB.
Thanks Will for covering this and informing us about this case. Yes these people need to be held to account for sure and I hope that these people are successful with holding Trudeau, Freedland and all the rest accountable.
Who brought in the foreign thugs???? Who were they? and from where???
I should have added that I will be donating $20 to help with their legal fees. David
Great interview Will. I hope that they are successful in their law suit. You do great work. Thanks. David.
I hope this works for these people. We need to have some accountability and reparation.
Thank you Will for speaking up for this just cause and getting Canadians activated to support this action of Eddie Cornell and the 19 truckers violated by freezing their bank accounts with impunity.
I have friends in Ottawa and during the Trucker Occupation they told me Ottawa was not under any serious problems. The Truckers were giving food to the Street People, there were spontaneous popup games of hockey that were good natured and amusing. It all changed and became frightening when the Ottawa Police were pulled out and were replaced by masked and brutal, they thought were not Canadian’s, some with neither English or French language, beginning to impose a brutal response to the Trucker Convoy. That was when the Ottawa people became frightened, I was told, and did not leave their homes or allow their children to go out. I was not there, I did not witness any of that time, my story is what I heard later from friends. Myrna Kerr