“Western Civilisation is a cut flower, and cut flowers die… but we have the remnants, the symbols of Western heritage, and their seeds. All we have to do, those of us who inherited it, is to go and see them, grow them, nurture them, water them”.
00:00 – 2:09 Introduction & Os Guinness: The Nature of Narrative
2:10 – 8:04 Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Adopting a Civilisation
8:05 – 12:12 John Anderson: Why do we have a sense of lostness?
12:13 – 27:14 How should we interpret the discourse of Power and Oppression?
27:14 – 35:09 Our Relationship to the Transcendent Good
35:10 – 44:02 John Anderson: The danger of making government God
44:03 – 49:29 Ayaan’s closing remarks
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