Taking a few minutes each morning and night to care for your teeth can make a big difference in your over-all health.

Oral health should never be underestimated. The ways and what time you brush your teeth may be associated with a variety of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

A recent study from Japan showed that brushing your teeth before going to bed at night is particularly important and that nightly brushing of teeth may lower cardiovascular disease risk. Another study also found that brushing your teeth more than once a day could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 9 percent.
A study published in Scientific Reports, a sister journal of Nature, in 2023, shows the relationship between tooth brushing habits and cardiovascular disease incidence rate. The study started by recruiting 1,675 patients aged 20 and above who were hospitalized for surgery, examination, or drug treatment. They were divided into four groups according to the time and frequency they spent brushing their teeth:

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Iron Will

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