Embarking on an elimination diet may go a long way in discovering what foods trigger symptoms in MCAS—the good thing is—it doesn’t have to be forever.

For people who experience mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a change in diet can significantly reduce even the most undesired symptoms. Often, people believe they are eating a healthy diet—and they very well may be—but even some healthy foods may be high in histamines that spur symptoms of MCAS, such as irritable bowel syndrome, itching, sneezing, and insomnia.

Eating to reduce MCAS symptoms requires removing high-histamine foods and eating a low-histamine diet that contains histamine liberators. There is conflicting information online about how to do this; this article should provide clarity and direction on where to start this major change in your diet and lifestyle—and take you another big step in your journey toward healing.

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Iron Will

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