What started as the something on the secret menu can now be made at home for a fraction of the price.
With cold and flu season upon us again, a warming elixir is my drink of choice for the next few months. This healing mug of tea is inspired by a Starbucks customer favorite, and made with brewed peach and citrus mint teas, lemonade, and honey. It’s a cozy drink that tastes even better when you can skip the drive-thru and make it at home.
What is Starbucks ‘Medicine Ball Tea’?
Medicine Ball Tea or “The Coldbuster” started as a secret menu item, but the beverage Starbucks HQ must be paying attention. Now it’s available to order off the menu as Honey “Citrus Mint Tea,” but it’s a relief (and more affordable) to know how to make this mug of tea at home—especially when you are feeling less than your best.

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Iron Will

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