Many doctors bravely risked their careers to break ranks with the unscientific approach governments around the world implemented when it came to COVID-19, but perhaps none with the same weight and authority as Dr. McCullough.

Our friends at Canadians for Truth were thrilled to welcome a sold-out crowd of over 1,500 to Legacy Place in Red Deer, Alberta for the latest edition of their “Fire and Ice” program, which features Olympic gold medalists Jamie Sale and Theoren Fleury interviewing guests with a focus on truth, freedom and justice.

Their special guest for this edition was prominent American cardiologist and outspoken COVID-19 response critic Dr. Peter McCullough. Many doctors bravely risked their careers to break ranks with the unscientific approach governments around the world implemented when it came to COVID-19, but perhaps none with the same weight and authority as Dr. McCullough.

As former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and a former professor at Texas A&M, Dr. McCullough’s credentials and experience were beyond dispute, and despite unwarranted efforts to discredit him by vaccine apologists, his medical and science-based retorts to the COVID-19 pandemic have resonated the world over.

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Iron Will

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