The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta proposed an update of its official Standards of Practice with new wording that would target pro-life doctors and nurses.
EDMONTON, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life healthcare workers in Alberta have said they will not be complicit “to murder” and go along with a plan by their provincial medical regulatory college that aims to mandate all healthcare workers in the province, including physicians and their assistants, to be in effect forced to be complicit in abortions or assisted suicides.
“Many physicians are ethically opposed to newer aspects of medicine, such as MAiD (euthanasia), as well as more established controversial medical services, such as abortion,” Alberta physician Shauna Burkholder said in a public feedback response to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) proposal to update its official Standards of Practice with new wording that would target pro-life doctors and nurses.
Burkholder noted that should the CPSA’s new “effective referral” plan as it is called be implemented, she would be “forced to participate, even at arm’s length, to a procedure I am morally opposed to, something I view akin to murder, I will be unable to continue practicing medicine in this province.”
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