“The first thing is try to recognize what are the sources of stress in your life and are there ways that you can limit those sources of stress?”

Earlier this month, the American Psychological Association released the Stress in America 2023 report, detailing the issues Americans were most stressed about this year ― and many of them may sound familiar.

Researchers polled 3,185 adults of all different backgrounds; 805 Black people, 811 Latino people and 800 Asian people were included in the data. They found that common stressors are “often things that recur over and over and over again ― things like money, the economy and health-related stressors,” Lynn Bufka, the associate chief for practice transformation at the American Psychological Association, told HuffPost.

Unlike worry about a work presentation or the coordination of a family wedding, these stressors aren’t things that you can just squash with a simple action.

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Iron Will

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