The Deadly Preoccupations of the Warmongers, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, Are Taking Us Down to the Depths of Depravity
No way can we interpret at face value the violent events inside and outside the breached “GAZA envelope.”
For starters, why should we believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the most flagrant liars of our times. I find much more credible the cautious and measured commentary of Efrat Fenigson, a veteran of the Intelligence Division of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF).
To understand Ms. Fenigson’s account, it is important to grasp that the 2 million Palestinian inmates of Gaza are essentially locked up in an open air jail that is periodically bombed by the Israeli Air Force.
The protagonists that engage in these air attacks sometimes flippantly refer to their death missions as “mowing the grass.” Ms. Fenigson finds it inexplicable that the Gaza inmates under the direction of a political organization known as Hamas, were able to approach “unimpeded” the Gaza fence. The Palestinian inmates then broke through the fence at several locations.