Most of the world’s economies, including the United States, are rapidly ramping up to digitize their currency and ultimately end “paper cash” by creating a Central Bank Digital Currency (or CBDC for short).
Part of the “Great Reset” agenda is to eliminate or reduce untraceable and untaxable cash and crypto transactions and clear the way to establish national government-controlled digital currency.
The agenda is to get a CBDC in every country, get people used to it, and then connect those digital systems into a one-world digitized payment system.
Does this sound too far-fetched? Consider that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors have already issued a white paper titled “Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation” as a “first step” in exploring the creation of a CBDC.
Make no mistake, a centralized digital currency is coming. President Biden has already sounded what many consider to be the paper dollar’s death knell when he signed Executive Order 14067, which calls for the implementation of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.
While that may sound benign at first, a centralized digital currency has the potential to allow the federal government to:
Legally surveil all U.S. citizens
Control all bank accounts and purchases
Crush free speech and silence opposing voices by cutting off access to their digital money