The Department of Transport effective yesterday finalized regulations to aid millions of drivers unwittingly operating vehicles subject to safety recalls. New rules require that automakers post keyword-searchable recall notices on their websites and keep them posted for 15 years, enough time to cover the typical life span of passenger vehicles in Canada.

“Safety recalls have increased over the past 20 years,” the department wrote in a legal notice. “The number of safety recalls issued each year increased from 248 in 2002 to 710 in 2023. In 2023 alone 111 separate companies issued safety recalls affecting over four million vehicles and vehicle equipment.”

Motor Vehicle Safety Act regulations had required that automakers, tire distributors and infant car seat manufacturers send recall notices to new buyers. The transport department complained the rules were of little help to millions driving used cars and other vehicles off warranty but still subject to safety recalls. “While a company must send notifications to current owners and prescribed persons of a safety recall, many still go unresolved,” said a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement.

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