Draws his strength from our divide
In many cultures, there is a saying that goes, “You reap what you sow.” While there’s certainly an element of luck involved in this process, in a general sense, it holds true; you can’t expect oranges if you plant apples. Nor can you expect flourishing if all you do is destroy. Though this observation seems obvious, our Prime Minister blindly kept pushing “diversity is Canada’s strength” down our throats (Canadians understand that diversity is our strength. We know that Canada has succeeded—culturally, politically, economically—because of our diversity, not in spite of it) to the point that I feel gagged, and possibly the whole country does too. As for our Prime Minister’s claim of our success in the areas of culture, politics, and economy because of our diversity, not only is there no sign of the said success, but even worse, his insistence on DEI has divided this nation into isolated tribal ethnic, racial, gender confused, sexual obsessed groups, to say the least. Moreover, I can’t fathom how people didn’t (and some still don’t) realize that by narrowly focusing on diversity, our society would only reap division.