I previously published articles (here, here, and here) about trends in the number of ambulance calls between 2019 and 2022. I wrote these articles because I had a narrative drilled into my head ad nauseum. The narrative went like this…

COVID-19 unleashed a world of hurt on the global population in 2020. This rapidly caused emergency medical services to become overloaded. Ambulance crews were swamped with calls. This resulted in emergency rooms and intensive care units becoming loaded beyond capacities. This was followed by the widespread administration of COVID-19 shots that could purportedly prevent serious outcomes in 2021 and beyond.

However, the multiple data sources I have studied so far show that ambulance call volumes DECREASED in 2020 but have been on a steady increase since the shots were rolled out.

As a scientist, I understand that a correlation does not necessarily equal causation and there are many complex factors involved. Nonetheless, the trends are disconcerting, they counter the popular narrative and are, therefore, worth intensive investigations. The public release of transparent data would assist in this effort.

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Iron Will

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