I am occasionally criticized for “all bad news” articles. I am striving to find more positive messages. Here is one – my scary article on mRNA poisoning of animals in the food chain reached #1 rank in Science category on Substack on October 25. Woohoo!! Thank you dear readers, together we beat the “mega-stack” YLE who was in 2nd place:
YLE is a major female-entrepreneurial success on Substack, by which I mean it’s a fake government funded front for CDC where you can read vaccine advertisements in English and Spanish written in “local mom’s voice”. Yes, an extremely annoying mom’s voice. I had to see what article we beat and I read it. So much good news to share y’all!
Tangent: your government is obsessed with “local”, “community” and “neighbor” on social media, which is strange, because social media is by design global. There is another likely fake front on Substack, Your Neighborhood Epidemiologist, albeit with smaller following (19K). That one is being positioned as “neighbor-faith-good Samaritan-be kind-inject poison for protecting your community”.
But here is even better good news – YLE (CDC) is complaining about low uptake of poison-19 this year: