When situations arise that are willfully ­wrong, there are individuals and organizations which, thankfully, try to right the wrong.

Some wrongs warranting strong efforts for change include the following:

The Abortion Pill
The abortion pill doesn’t just kill the child in the womb, but also, undeniably, causes harm, even death, to the mother. She is required to suffer and bleed alone at home without assistance during this process.

The abortion pill is a vicious, unconscionable attack on women for the profit of the abortion/pharmaceutical industry. Fortunately, efforts are now being undertaken to do something to stop this terrible wrong.
Gardasil Vaccine
In July 2006, the drug Gardasil, manufactured by the US drug company Merck Frosst, was approved for use by Health Canada. The drug was touted by the manufacturer as a preventative for cervical cancer caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The latter can only be transmitted through sexual activity. It is the most common sexually transmitted virus. HPV is usually harmless, typically disappears within two years, and most infected individuals do not even know they had the disease.
REAL Women expressed its concerns about this largely untested drug as did some health officials who were concerned about the drug being offered without proper scientific, pharmacological, and economic research. Also, all the clinical trials of the drug were carried out solely by the manufacturer on only 1,200 girls in the targeted group of 9 – 15 year olds. As well, trials were monitored for a mere 18 months. There was good reason for concern.

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Iron Will

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