As concluded in our new study, Review of Calls for Market Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines Intensify: Risks Far Outweigh Theoretical Benefits, we expect that calls for an immediate moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines will continue to increase until a critical mass is reached, and the products are finally removed from the market. Excess mortality, negative efficacy, and widespread DNA contamination associated with COVID-19 vaccines have been sufficiently demonstrated. The FDA’s criteria for a Class I recall have been far exceeded. No large-scale, conclusive, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated reduction in infection transmission, hospitalization, or death as primary endpoints. Thus, the COVID-19 vaccines are not proven to be effective in reducing important clinical outcomes. A position supporting COVID-19 vaccination goes against good medical practice and violates the Hippocratic Oath to above all, do no harm. Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure the next steps for accountability are taken.

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