I will be updating the data in this article in my next Substack. Please stay tuned. This article is especially relevant since another paper (here’s another one published by Hanna Nazeeh et al. in JAMA in 2022)1 was just published confirming passage of the injection material of the COVID-19 shots through breastmilk entitled: “Biodistribution of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in human breast milk”.2
There’s probably a reason why the original exclusion criteria list for the Phase III trials EXCLUDED breast feeding mothers and pregnant women. You can see my previous reports on VAERS reports for babies 0-2 here, maternal exposure to during breastfeeding reports to VAERS here, reproductive issues using PFizer data and VAERS here, pushing these COVID injections on pregnant women here and here, an Epoch Times article on the menstrual thing here, putting these products on the childhood vaccination schedule here, an OB/GYNs data here, and targeting OB/GYNs to get these things into pregnant women here and here. There are more articles in this newsletter on this subject as well.
Please feel free to print this article and give it to your OB/GYN.