With more and more states legalizing marijuana for both recreational and medicinal purposes, a growing number of people are using cannabis for physical pain relief as well as for mental health issues, like anxiety.

In fact, numerous cannabis companies are advertising their products as useful for anxiety; in a recent survey, 41% said of marijuana users said they were taking it to relieve anxiety. “I have patients who use it every day,” said Dr. Beth Salcedo, a psychiatrist and medical director of the Ross Center in Washington, D.C.,. “They say it really helps.”

The problem with this real-time setting is that studies show it doesn’t always work, even though cannabis companies heavily promote its use, and in spite of the fact that some health officials say that using it for anxiety can lead to a cannabis addiction, and worse: “Marijuana users also run a higher risk of delusions and psychosis, research has found,” the WSJ said.

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Iron Will

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