Choline, essential for numerous physiological processes such as brain development, DNA synthesis and fat metabolism, was officially recognized as a vital nutrient in 1998, with deficiencies linked to severe health issues
High choline intake is associated with significant health benefits, including reduced risks of heart disease, breast cancer and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, underscoring its importance in your diet
Studies suggesting a link between choline intake and an increased risk of prostate cancer fail to account for various dietary and environmental factors, leading to misleading conclusions about eggs
Choline deficiency poses a greater health risk than high intake. An estimated 90% of Americans already do not meet the adequate daily intake values set by the Institute of Medicine
Eggs from chickens fed a low-linoleic acid diet are a powerhouse of nutrition. They provide high-quality protein, essential fats, vitamins like D, E and K, and minerals such as selenium and zinc. Eggs also contain B vitamins essential for energy production
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