Endogenous ketone production is an emergency response that relies on the activation of stress hormones. For this reason, I suspect chronic ketosis may be inadvisable. Taking exogenous ketones, however, does not activate stress hormones, and can be very helpful in some instances
While ketones are generally known to be good for your brain and lower inflammation, your brain cannot function on ketones alone. It requires glucose. If you do not consume enough carbs, your body will sacrifice muscle tissue to make the glucose it needs
There are several different types of ketone products available, including MCT-C8 oil, racemic ketone salts (beta-hydroxybutyrate), chiral ketone salts (D-beta-hydroxybutyrate), ketone esters and R 1,3-butanediol
One of the best therapeutic applications for exogenous ketones is when you need to decrease oxidative stress, such as when getting a CT scan, x-ray or chemotherapy, or when flying
On the rare occasion where radiation or chemo may be warranted, high doses of ketone esters may help protect healthy cells from being damaged, specifically your immune cells
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